Enjoy our gameplay video of the Phasmophobia Christmas Update Ghost Hunting game. Phasmophobia is a horror investigation survival game played from a first-person perspective. The player works solo or in a group of up to four players to complete a contract in which they must identify the type of ghost haunting the specified site. Players can communicate through voice chat, both locally within a short distance and globally via walkie-talkies. Phasmophobia features speech recognition allowing certain pieces of equipment and even the ghost to hear players speaking and understand key words. Completing objectives and gathering evidence provide a payout; complete as much as possible to level up, unlock maps and difficulties, and earn money.
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Love this game
Woooo I love there phasmophobia videos I missed these
Love the update
Best duo ever 😂😂
Gunns and Meaty.!!
you can also setup the cameras on the tripod while they are hanging on the wall no need to grab tripod first.
I missed these videos .
Use gunns as bait that game XD
Man I miss watching these guys play L4D and BO3 when I was younger. Glad their still gaming together
Aw I thought is was a we were here together 2 ep2
It’s out now?!
Glad to see phasmo back
I know yall don't wanna die and all I completely understand but it's not as interesting if yall play so safe. Take a few risks let your sanity go down let us watch gunns scream his head off lmao.
Phasmophobia finaly yes
Sound sensor: Living room = 50%
Gunns: It (ghost) is in the upper half of the room
Literally everyone else: Maybe you should turn off the equipment that makes the noise
😁Whoop! Whoop!! NEW PHAS FINALLY!!!🥰
Gunn's character looks like Vin diesel lol 😂
That's the first thing I said to myself about that light, that it's in house flipper. It's a cool looking light in my opinion.
I love when YAW play Phasmophobia they take the game seriously unlike other people
I missed you playing phasmophobia
If you watch the activity meter in the van and it spikes by a factor of 5, it's an EMF 5.
Meter goes from 0 straight to 5
Meter goes from 3 straight to 8
Like so the boys HOPEFULLY READ IT!!!
Has anybody who played this game ever consider asking the spirit box "do you want to play a game?"
i do know that the custom difficulty update is coming soon that will be fun to play.
I'm sure you've recorded a bunch of these already, but in case you didn't remember, the Banshee makes a screeching noise on the parabolic mic. That's one way you can rule out fairly quickly or not.
Jaaaaaaam!!! Phasmophobia update!!!
Awesome more phasmophobia oohh I like the new look of the layout of the trailer now you guys are G.O.A.T.
This is one of my favorite series to watch of you guys. Love it!
I love you guys playing this game. 😄 With such high activity, use the EMF, and also on the objects that fall.
I'm so excited to see that y'all are playing phasmo again! I love when you play scary/horror games 😁
Their supposed to be remaking the asylum map in the next month i believe
Yeeeeeees, it's finally back
5:39 😂😂
New update. Right on.
Like the video guys! <3 YAW