Big Update! 3 New Ghosts and Truck Overhaul (Phasmophobia Co-op)

Enjoy our gameplay video of the Phasmophobia Christmas Update Ghost Hunting game. Phasmophobia is a horror investigation survival game played from a first-person perspective. The player works solo or in a group of up to four players to complete a contract in which they must identify the type of ghost haunting the specified site. Players can communicate through voice chat, both locally within a short distance and globally via walkie-talkies. Phasmophobia features speech recognition allowing certain pieces of equipment and even the ghost to hear players speaking and understand key words. Completing objectives and gathering evidence provide a payout; complete as much as possible to level up, unlock maps and difficulties, and earn money.

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39 thoughts on “Big Update! 3 New Ghosts and Truck Overhaul (Phasmophobia Co-op)”

  1. I know yall don't wanna die and all I completely understand but it's not as interesting if yall play so safe. Take a few risks let your sanity go down let us watch gunns scream his head off lmao.

  2. If you watch the activity meter in the van and it spikes by a factor of 5, it's an EMF 5.

    Meter goes from 0 straight to 5
    Meter goes from 3 straight to 8

    Like so the boys HOPEFULLY READ IT!!!

  3. I'm sure you've recorded a bunch of these already, but in case you didn't remember, the Banshee makes a screeching noise on the parabolic mic. That's one way you can rule out fairly quickly or not.


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