Welcome back to Phasmophobia! Today we bring back an old but gold challenge! The Photo Randomizer. I haven’t done this challenge in way too long. I forgot how amazing it is! It creates a unique and usually fair run every time that will be challenging in a different way depending on the items you get. And unlike a normal randomizer the photo randomizer remains exciting all the way through because you never know which items you are going to unlock next. I really do love this challenge and I hope you do too! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day live at 7PM CEST, 1PM EST, 10AM PST over on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Join the community discord: https://discord.gg/insym
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.0.4
I missed this challenge! Hope you enjoy! <3
Did you ever do what I call a Blair Witch Challenge ?
You go in with only the camera in night vision mode (if you want to make this easier, you can bring other evidences items) and well… the game kinda looks like a found footage film. If you go in with creepy music its even better.
Best Challenge Ever!!!
thank you for making amazing videos! ive been binge watching nonstop 🙂
Honestly very proud and happy of your growth!! Last time I saw you, you were around 50k subs, now look at you! Almost half a million! You’re honestly one of the most entertaining streamer/youtuber I’ve watched.
Happy to be part of your streams, thanks for giving us amazing, funny moments, Insym!
i've missed this!
Who ever is JokerMCDouble, you comment in the Twitch chat stating "He is recycling content, we see it here first and then he places it on youtube"(03:04 top of the chat).. are you dumb? This is the whole way Insym works and we love it! Streaming everyday, also uploading multiple videos a day and then still being high interactive with the community takes alot of energy, and you are just putting it off as a joke.
Insym, we love you buddy, keep up the great work you are doing <3
My homie, I have a challange for you: Don't quit until you will become lvl 10,000. I want so much to see that.
Me: Level 1277 right now.
Thanks so much insym I’ve learned so much from you – you’re one of my favorite youtubers!
The memories 🙂
Great videos bro, Keep it up! 👍👍👍👍👍👍
I have a challenge idea. No drop challenge, you cannot pick up an item after it's been dropped so if you place a book in the wrong room you won't be able to pick it up to move it
And it would go for both dropping and placing items
Awesome content my dude, would love to see this challenge more often!
Two days after I was thinking "When Insym will upload next photo challange?" he uploads it
insym with the a10s, destined to rule generations
please do more of those, its really funny
Ok but who else noticed the new thumbnail font recently
did they change mare sanity hunt range to 60? i played about a week ago and got hunted at 80%
I guess time to bring back the tripog?
October 2020 ogs remember this Chad challenge
i like the new sounds but i kinda miss the old gurgle
I love to see the randomizers coming back! It'd be great to see some of the other randomizer challenges return as well!
I think we also need another thief challenge, loved that one too!
Yessss! I wondered why you haven’t done this challenge for so long! It’s so fun, creative and educational at the same time. Thanks!
FNaF is great. You should try it
You should add if you survive a hunt you also get an item.
I once tried to scroll through all of Insym's Phasmophobia videos. I sprained my thumb.
Combine the No Sound and Oldest challenge together to make No Sound Oldest Challenge.
I think one challenge you could do is like a survival type challenge. This would be just for fun. You have to stay in the house the entire time without going outside and try to see how long you can stay inside the house.
hap 19 birday me
Inysm doing the impossible for the phasmopia challenge let's go !!
I still remember the day when Insym's level is no more than 100
It felt like years ago when I watched your first photo randomizer, when in fact it's just a year or almost a year ago…?
Just a question, can you hide behind that door if it's a garage ghost?
Should be an additional requirement that the photo must be a 3 star photo 🙂 makes a door photo more risky
I remember this and I loved it so much!
You must have done this challenge before I discovered you. Very entertaining! Would love to see an all maps video of this challenge.
9:07 Pants 😐
There were a few instances where the bone would appear on the tables! White on white, kinda hard to find.