Brutal Solo Asylum – Professional No Pills No Crucifix – Phasmophobia

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1:30pm – 8pm Central Time (CST)

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39 thoughts on “Brutal Solo Asylum – Professional No Pills No Crucifix – Phasmophobia”

  1. Just found your channel today and this is the first video I watched I absolutely love anything to do with ghost and I thought this video was bloody great keep up the good work , I’m gonna watch the rest of your videos over the next few days and you’ve definitely got a sub from me

  2. Hearing you call the parabolic mic a "giant pancake on a stick" made me laugh a lot! I just found your channel today and I've already watched like three hours of your phasmophobia videos and the beard care one. 😀

  3. Can someone help me out about that talking shit in this game? In some comment sections you gonna read that the ghost can hear you ANY time your real life microphone is "active", others say you need to have your ghost box switched on. Which of those versions is true? And do you need to press any key while talking with the box? We tested walking around with it, asking questions but there was no answer, when my buddy used global chat at the same time, the ghost responded 80% of the times he asked sth. This community seems a little more educated than others so I'm hoping for a helpful response ^^:

  4. Game needs Upgraded cameras that allow audio to be played from them (Similar to how theres a Flashlight and Strong Flashlight) And some sort of tablet you can carry with you to see cameras or audio levels while walking to make Single player a little more reasonable

  5. Hey, nice video, but scary XD
    I got a question for you
    In some of your videos you are able to figure out waht ghost you are dealing with, whne you have like only 1 or 2 clues, how do you do that?


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