Bustin Ghosts in PHASMOPHOBIA | SUNDAY FUNDAY w/ Az, Xray Girl and Kara

Watch Xray’s side: @XrayGirl_
Watch AZ’s side: @HeelvsBabyface
Watch Kara’s side: @kara_creates


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#gaming #sonsoftheforest #survivalseries Music by Karl Casey


5 thoughts on “Bustin Ghosts in PHASMOPHOBIA | SUNDAY FUNDAY w/ Az, Xray Girl and Kara”

  1. To use the crucifix to stop the ghost in the game, you drop the crucifix in the haunted room. You'll know the crucifix stopped the hunt when you see it burn up. Holding it in your hand during a hunt doesn't repel evil in the game (but does IRL).

  2. I’ve only just started the vod, but lemme share some tips:
    – “frozen breath” was needed. If you see your breath, it is cold but not freezing. Anything below 1° C or 33°F is freezing.
    – You must press F to place things and make them usable. A thrown book is useless, for instance.
    – Spirit box has specific phrases that must be asked. Examples include “Where are you?” “Are you friendly?” “Are you near?” “Give me a sign.” I also recommend being in the room with the lights out, doors shut, and alone.
    – Ghost will not do anything during the timer (setup period)
    – You must be quiet and turn off your electronics during hunts or the ghost will be attracted to you. Footsteps and doors do not count as audible to the ghost.

    This is just barely scratching the surface, y’all. This game goes so much deeper than you’d think; the ghosts have specific speeds, “blink,” and other characteristics. If you want to really start to understand the game I definitely recommend Insym.

  3. I love watching other people play Phasmophobia and I think it would be cool to watch Angela play it. I'm not going to give any tips because my friends and I all figured it out as we go. On my channel, I have a lot of Phasmophobia gameplay that has us each have a role and not be scared as often…but there are some good frights. Excellent entertainment, Garrett, God bless you and your family with excellence!


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