Can I Get ALL Phasmophobia Trophies in One Sitting?

I attempted to beat all 3 Phasmophobia Apocalypse Trophies in one sitting with adjusted settings to make it easier.

0:00 Intro
0:25 Bronze Trophy
12:44 Silver Trophy
22:46 Gold Trophy

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27 thoughts on “Can I Get ALL Phasmophobia Trophies in One Sitting?”

  1. I tried 24x a few times and on my first attempt, I got a Raiju, got all the objectives after 59 minutes, and only after leaving I learned that I need to take a ghost photo
    Edit: Okay, so I just did it, had a demon near the… place with a lot of candles (no idea how to spell it, not going to try) and it eventually did a ghost event, so that was a free ghost photo

  2. I love your content Psycho! You should play with CJ and Insym more <3. It's getting to the end of the month and we could talk about the POTENTIALS of the new items and how they might be able to help and effect gameplay. 🙂

  3. I noticed this long ago but they really made bronze harder than it originally was. I had two 15X+ configs saved before the change and they converted to around 4X later. Both of my configurations had 3 evidence, a cursed item, and no roaming. This is no longer possible now and I feel like Bronze now is what Silver was originally.

  4. Had a great idea for a new ghost.
    This ghost has incredibly acute hearing and can detect even the slightest sound.
    Shiryos vision is incredibly poor.

    This ghost will not chase you based on vision until it is within 1m. However, they will home in on sounds you make whether they are voice, doors and other interact-able objects or FOOTSTEPS within their hearing range (which despite the description is still only the usual range)
    This would be like a bizarro Yokai which will ignore you provided you are still, but will chase you down if you panic and run.
    Large maps would be easy with this ghost but frightening as hell on the smaller maps.

  5. one of my first attempts was wraith, i had emf with me with salt on top and found out it was wraith pretty much immidiately, had really eazy challenges too.. i just didn't know i had to take a picture cuz it was my first time trying the 24x challenge (yes before the easier ones) . I eventually did all of them but was very sad to realise that i could've had the golden one 3 weeks earlier 😀

  6. I remember way back when the apocalypse challenge was put into the game, I did the challenge (24) but the devs have not activated the trophys yet!! what a bummer, it was way harder then now, it was glitched AF and I remember getting a Hantu, it was so fast it sounded like machine gun fire when it moved, and other times you could not hear the foot steps since they where so fast, you could just hear items being thrown, also you needed to take a ghost photo and do all tree objectives AND get the ghost correct, it was wild! .. ALSO you HAD to survive and leave the game from the truck!

  7. I love watching psycho more. Some other youtubers that play phasmo, over explain too much and stop playing to explain. I love the play man!

  8. I would love to watch Psycho play Welcome To The Game(2). Getting all trophies is Psycho’s version of Insym getting all WTTG 2’s achievement. Seems that way. Heheh.

  9. 39:57 i usually dont catch the hantu breath but that was so obvious, of course he had a million other things to pay attention to (like the photo/acceleration), so it's easy for me to sit here and be like "aaa how did he miss that"


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