Here is what ghosts do during the hunt in Phasmophobia when they hear your voice…
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What do you want me to cover next? 🙂
Imagine if they can open doors/lockers/etc when they hear you :>
1:36 Me when the traffic lights are green and the driver in front of me doesen't gives a shit.
the ghost will hunt and chase you if you broke line of sight of the ghost it will be confused and chase another team member thats in the ghost line of sight ,and thats my theory what. do you think?
I'm just loving the potato outro
Robbaz' got competition.
Margaret is such a Yurei
The locker door can only block line of sight in FRONT of the door where the flat panel is… But not the sides. Hence when the ghost is at the side of the locker, it actually can get a 'line of sight' to the edges on the side of the door, probably because the locker isn't 100% closed and the player is 100% surrounded by the locker interior.
This also explains why in the earlier ghosts where players hides in closet, the ghost seems to make a 'nosedive' towards the closet only to forget and walk by it.
Because it's line of sight was parallel to the side edge of the door until it pathfind to the front, only to lose line of sight and chose a random location to go to.
Is this a serious video…? Of course they can hear you. That's why when they're hunting, you need to shut the hell up.
Yea the left locker in the garage is bugged so hard. Ghosts always killed me there, when they had no chance of finding me, because I was like 2 rooms away from them when I entered the locker and closed it's door.
I was on the highschool once with a friend of mine and my friend was getting chased down one of the hallways and I was on the other end. I believe I called the ghost a "slutty bitch whore" and without los being broken it chased me for the remainder of the hunt
It seems like you walking around still made her come to you.
Is there a way to look through files to see if they are even supposed to hear you?
I never realized JUST how slow Revenants are when they can’t find a target
Just a heads up, all lockers are pretty crap at line of sight – if you're looking forwards. Stand sideways in a locker and stand up straight to prevent any issues. Standing facing forwards/backwards or leaning can poke your head through, and in those seconds where the ghost briefly registers you before changing pathing, it can grab you through the door.
God the animations are atrocious… even for a solo indie dev this shit is unacceptable..
At the end, the issue isn't the lockers, the issue is when his head pokes out. The ghost tracks you by line of sight to your character model's head (not camera) specifically. Even if it's clipped through a wall, and if it's at the right angle, it counts as "seeing" you. I've died while outside and through walls (not vs wraith) because of that.
Actually, lockers works. That "speed" happend because he was looking down, and part of your body get out, you should always try to look to the door and no the floor. The same thing happends if the ghost start a hunt, you're outside of the building and he/she is able to kill you if you get close to a wall and look down.
Honestly thought tht he would die when the revenant sped up
If he screamed non-stop would the ghost hear him or no?
I just did my own experiment after watching this video and found your results to be completely incorrect. I played on a four player asylum map with a phantom, and used the soundpad program from steam to play very loud music while hiding in closed rooms when hunts would start. I played Brain Power, You Say Run, and Rooftop Run (loud, pitchy meme songs). At every single hunt, the ghost would immediately make a direct route straight to my location and begin stomping around outside the door to my hiding place if he failed to make line of sight with any other players. Other players even started to leave their routes to watch the ghost walk towards the noise. Ghosts absolutely do hear sounds, they just can’t open doors or see through them so they wander around the area like stray cats. If your friend made that kind of noise in an open room, that ghost would’ve killed him immediately.
The ghost doesn't want to kill you it just wants to have a rave with you
I think you should do this again, but with the other types. For example, all the ghosts you used can't go through doors. But if you did the same experiment with a Wraith, it can go through a door and kill you.
Looks like somebodys blowing up. 😀
I’m pretty sure the reason the ghost was detecting him was because his head was sticking out of the locker. In one of your earlier videos you said that the ghost check for line of sight with your heads and if you look down you lean forward and expose your head through the door.
So I scream peacefully I mean loudly while old grandma hunts…
It could have something to do, as well, with the kind of ghost. Some may be more reactive to audio than others. Also, speaking while you're out of cover vs while you're in cover?
One time I was playing, I was on Ridgeview or Tanglewood. I was going towards the garage, and I see a ghost pop up behind the table, when I was walking to the garage. I started sprinting. I was also very knew to the game, and knew it was a Yurei because it said "returned to the physical world" or something like that.
Maybe because there was only two of you?
Would you please make videos of you playing it yourself solo? seems funny xD
im speaking during a hunt, for example, from the one room away from the ghost to take a picture but he does not react at all lmao
I think you busted the myth in the first 30 secs, nice.
what the fuck is the part with "Bloody Mary" lmao
I remember once during a hunt I asked it a question into the spirit box because I wanted to see if I could get a response, the ghost was on someone else, then proofed over to me, gurgled in my ear and played peekaboo… Still didn't even get a response tho. But nice to know this now tho. I'm sure those kids who got tired of cod will be chatting away during a hunt haha
im sorry its just killing me how he's just "a**holemotherf**erp**symargaret" and she's just like "huh beautiful day to crawl around a house :)"
3:47 alright how much did he pay Mary off, she literally shook her head no at him! xD
Yurei was not covered
It looked like the first ghost was deliberately avoiding red lol
Can you do a similar test to this, but with flashlight clicking? I feel like they can hear that 🙁
i hid in a locker in garage in one of the normal houses with a wraith and i started to talk to my chat in the locker, ghost 180'ed and ran to me and walked thru the locker while i was talking and merced me 🙁
So then only banshees will beline to where you arr hidding?
Alternative Tittle: Can The Ghosts CAN BE STUPID WHEN THIER HUNTING?!
Ghosts sadly dont hunt on sound, but they will.
ghosts first spawn in with a predetermined path which they travel each hunt. for example, then start a hunt and go to the bedroom, then to a bathroom, then to a hallway, then to its ghost room. it will almost always follow this exact path. you just gotta know how to stay out of that path and you're safe.
the ghost only hunts on Line of sight to the players head. nothing else.
which I kinda dislike, seeing as ghosts are essentially not a threat at all.
but soon their AI will go through big updates to make them challenging. cant wait, because im level 200 now and I have died only once because of my friends haha