Can YOU Guess This Ghost?

Can you tell what this Phasmophobia ghost is just based on its Ghost Ability/Trait?

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Phasmophobia Beginner Guides:

Hunting Guides to help you SURVIVE:

Want to get better at Ghost Tests? Check out my You Decide Series where You figure out the ghost type:

Unofficial Phasmophobia Cheat Sheet:

Want a Smudge Timer like I Got? Here is how I set it up:


43 thoughts on “Can YOU Guess This Ghost?”

  1. I don't get it ,because it switched lights out directly? I had it once doing this and it was a Banshee… I sometimes don't get it , like the mare does it but other ghosts do it as well just less and not that quick but sometimes still quick?! I'm lvl 41 now and still strughle 🤣

  2. Ahh i didn’t watch until the end before I got cocky and guessed Raiju. It looked like it sped up around electrical equipment – I was so sure, checked comments to see wrong… it's so obvious if you watch until the end!

  3. To be fair, I’ve had other ghosts (mainly Spirits) cut off a light after I cut it on with no ghost event, but I have to go with Mare. I wish they would make it so ONLY the Mare can do this. I almost got trolled by a Spirit who did it 3 times, but consistently waited over 3 minutes to hunt after every smudge. Trolls, I’m telling ya. 🙄

  4. MARE!!! Based strictly to hunting trait and the wird angles of theloop i was going to say Phantom cause of the low visibility. (At least that is what in the short appears ). And as long fo light switch could even be done from a normal ghost if you are unlucky and the ghost decided to interact with switch the momment you interacted too. I have beed betrayed by that a couple of times (most timew it was really a mare though).


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