Can you guess this Phasmophobia ghost based only on its traits? This does not actually involve hunting at all.
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It's Obake but can Mimic use Obake's ability to not leave fingerprints..?
Obake – hides fingers on doors but not footprints
Definitely an Obake. They have a chance to leave no finger prints on doors/lights etc but 100% chance for footprints
any chance you want to tech me some more advanced machanics? i do really well on pro but nightmare and insanity are a bit tougher.
Obake, 75% chance to leave fingerprints and usually less footprints left after walking through salt.
Havent seen the unique 6 finger print or double on the lightswitch on a very very very long time to the point im wondering is it still a thing
Obake! Second favourite ghost after Hantu
Obake because of fingerprints
Obake cuz they sometime wont leave prints
Is going to be obake
please upload more of these i feel so smart 😝😝
Not shade obviously 😂 maybe obake
Catching an Obake red handed… khm red feet in this case 🙂
Obake didn’t leave us at first until in salt
Obake? It moved the door I think and there weren't fingerprints even tho there are footprints.
Ah, the stinky ghost that sometimes leaves not enough evidence, and sometimes too much (if you catch my drift)
Obake sneaky hiding those fingerprints
I'd say mare but the room is dark and the hallway lights on so no
shade probably
but it left footsteps and not fingerprints… considering obake is forced to give atleast footsteps if it doesnt give fingerprints, it has to be obake (or in their original folklore of which i dont remember ethnicity, i think asian or japanese yokai type of ghosts) they are also known as bakemono
also if im not mistaken, shade doesnt have UV evidence
Obake no door touch
obakeee >:DDD