Can you Play Phasmophobia with NO SOUND? – [LVL 5407]

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! It is time for the much requested no audio challenge! Fear not, you will still be able to hear the game! I just won’t be wearing any headset. Everyone in chat was my ears on this one, they needed to guide me around the house and warn me of hunts. This was actually super fun and I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.0.4


49 thoughts on “Can you Play Phasmophobia with NO SOUND? – [LVL 5407]”

  1. i have learned a lot of this game from you and now its fun to pass the info to other players when i myself play the game. After the game i usually make them check your channel :). Keep up theese nice videos

  2. Ohh god, watched the last part of the video now while trying to sleep with my ear pads , fell asleep and woke up when you called my name out, Richard, and were like:??? Who was that???

  3. Hey Insym! Remember me! I have been wondering if any chance you talk with developers about being fair for deaf players? Old Phasmophobia was definitely deaf friendly approach because of strobe flashlight can tell us easy when hunt begin and finish.

    Now with this new update, very challenge because we can't tell if hunt is over or we die accidentally. We had to hide near the door to check if it is unlocked or check with flashlight/photo camera to make sure its not flickering nearby. Sounded like more fun for hearing people to handle this challenge but not deaf people? is this something you can bring it up to developers to consider equality game play?

  4. not to many games ago i had a freaky ghost and a trolling vr guy.

    now the vr guy had died and left and it was me and one guy the ghost was constantly appearing and doing ghost events a second inbetween them and we was on the porch of the farmhouse and suddenly something starts KNOCK ON THE FRONT DOOR CONSTANTLY LIKE NON STOP

    there was also a time where me and that guy was in bathroom upstairs and i had a smudge stick coz the ghost was coming. she came in and i used it and ran, he stayed and she was targeted on him LMFAOOOO. but after that we left and the dead guy (guy who was dead prior to us being in bathroom and during all the knocking) and he told me it wasnt them doing the knocking-


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