Welcome back to Phasmophobia! It is time for the much requested no audio challenge! Fear not, you will still be able to hear the game! I just won’t be wearing any headset. Everyone in chat was my ears on this one, they needed to guide me around the house and warn me of hunts. This was actually super fun and I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day live at 7PM CEST, 1PM EST, 10AM PST over on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Join the community discord: https://discord.gg/insym
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.0.4
I hope CJ n his crew add some sort of multiplayer player vs player when it's finished, would be fun
11:50 aww yeah! full on donkey 😆🍑
Is it fair to say I love watching your videos but 40-60mins long is just too much?
Saw this live sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh
These kind of challenges are boring. I hope its not signs of running out of ideas.
I once had a bug that would cut out all my audio, not just scary but annoying as well
Me: ::suggests this video like two days ago::
Insym: "I got you, Fae."
Wow, man. That was fast!
For the full experience, watch the video with no sound.
cant wait for more Forewarned tbh. thank you so much for showing it off. so excited for it to release and be able to play it myself
Why do you mute your mic while hiding? Do you have enough background noise that the ghost will find you if you don’t mute it?
It's weird to see your ears. And not cause they are weird. I'm just so used to headphones haha
Jokes on you, when I started this video, my sound was still on vr so I couldn't even hear you xD
so basically this video is: "chat decides a deaf man's fate while ghost hunting"
Excellent vid Sym. I love how you get your streaming public involved with your Phasmo gaming. It's great. You should definitely do some more of these.☺👍
I absolutely LOVE❤️ the Chat is my ears challenges!! 👻 They are so much fun! I wish I could have participated in it!🙁
I died in my first hunt today, to a demon. Figured I would be fine at 70% to get some evidence but it spawned on me in the room.
I decided to watch the video without sound to play along with insym,
but it wasnt the same…
i have learned a lot of this game from you and now its fun to pass the info to other players when i myself play the game. After the game i usually make them check your channel :). Keep up theese nice videos
Ohh god, watched the last part of the video now while trying to sleep with my ear pads , fell asleep and woke up when you called my name out, Richard, and were like:??? Who was that???
Did they nerfed the headcam ? Cuz i dont get that beam (even if i activate the night vision in the van)
So you CAN hear…@11:59 you hear the steps before anyone let you know in the chat. It isn't an audio glitch, all other sounds were perfectly synced to your actions at the time.
You always inspired me and that is why I started playing phasmophobia love you brotha
Idea: play another randomizer good sir
how do you know when a hunt is over?! I can never tell 😂
Next video, "playing phasmophobia without seeing OR hearing?"
No mic no headset quiet challenge aka you are a deaf and mute ghost hunter
A rare appearance of Insym’s ears
Maybe do a Hand & Brain challenge with Jay sometime?
Hey Insym! Remember me! I have been wondering if any chance you talk with developers about being fair for deaf players? Old Phasmophobia was definitely deaf friendly approach because of strobe flashlight can tell us easy when hunt begin and finish.
Now with this new update, very challenge because we can't tell if hunt is over or we die accidentally. We had to hide near the door to check if it is unlocked or check with flashlight/photo camera to make sure its not flickering nearby. Sounded like more fun for hearing people to handle this challenge but not deaf people? is this something you can bring it up to developers to consider equality game play?
not to many games ago i had a freaky ghost and a trolling vr guy.
now the vr guy had died and left and it was me and one guy the ghost was constantly appearing and doing ghost events a second inbetween them and we was on the porch of the farmhouse and suddenly something starts KNOCK ON THE FRONT DOOR CONSTANTLY LIKE NON STOP
there was also a time where me and that guy was in bathroom upstairs and i had a smudge stick coz the ghost was coming. she came in and i used it and ran, he stayed and she was targeted on him LMFAOOOO. but after that we left and the dead guy (guy who was dead prior to us being in bathroom and during all the knocking) and he told me it wasnt them doing the knocking-
Nice 😂😂
14:20 The moment when Insym nearly walked into catastrophe.
I had a lot of fun watching this one lol
Do more 0 sanity challenges man! 😁😁
Please do this again soon! This content is top notch and very funny to watch! Well done!
Remember me?
That was impressive.
I got 100 in the para mic
Oooh please do more of these! Also I've seen some cool suggestions of challenges involving relying on the video cam to see, which sound interesting!
My first few games of phasmophobia were with no sound. Not because i wanted to just try and be the best or anything, but because i was too scared to put my headset on 😑😑😂😂
0:53 "I have a built-in Paramic here. People are gonna yell at me anyway." OMG, I cracked up so hard!
No sound tip thermometer to find the ghost room make sure breaker in on and the house warms up, then use the other equipment.
Am I the only one who needs a new pair of pants with this insane first run?
The phrase "Are you French" never let's Insym down XD
deaf ghostbuster simulator XD
Holy hecking doodles my butt cheeks were firmly clinched during the hunts lol
Another board spot (On Grafton) is in that room downstairs to the left of the laundry room. I've seen it spawn in the bathroom by the tub a lot.