In this Phasmophobia video, the challenge wheel has me doing a ‘No Doors’ challenge. Beyond the front door, I can’t open any doors in the map. I have to hope a door is open or wait for the ghost to open it for me. What could go wrong right?… Game was streamed LIVE on my Twitch channel.
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#phasmophobia #phasmochallenge #nodoorchallenge
So i haven't finished the video yet, but I already know this is gonna be a fun video.
Seriously though these challenges are so great
I love your vids king! They always cheer me up and just make me happy, thanks for everything you do! <3
Loving the content! It feels like I found a hidden youtube gem!
when i see people play this yelling WHERE ARE YOU at the spirit box it makes me think of batman WHO DO YOU WORK FOR
I found you yesterday, and I am legitimately addicted to your content. Keep up the awesome work! ❤❤❤
What is the outro song? I've been searching for years now.
This ghost was so shy, it opened the door enough for you to peek but not enter, but as soon as it thought that it wouldn't offend you then it shut it again
That "meme" you were quoting was someone saying that with a speech impediment. (EDIT BELOW)
Edit: I have been informed that it was actually a drunk guy; never mind!
Are you guaranteed a cursed item for each run?
Is classic, when you do everything the game has to offer, you start with dog shit "challenges" to spice up the game
I love the challenge videos!!
This is actually a pretty funny chalenge to do, might have to try it aswell in honor of open da noor boy
Play phasmo without sound and without the help of chat:)