Candle Only versus Impostor Ghost – LVL 2800 Phasmophobia

There is an impostor ghost among us. This was a scary photo randomizer combined with a candle only challenge! Hope you enjoy! (Also there might be a bonus round at the end because I accidentally didn’t get enough experience to get lvl 2800)

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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch


39 thoughts on “Candle Only versus Impostor Ghost – LVL 2800 Phasmophobia”

  1. It's crazy how much information just that door lock sound gives you at the start of a hunt. If just that were taken out — or given sound occlusion so you can't hear it from deep inside — the hunts would so much more sudden. IDK if you could do it, tbh. You'd need to spam radio constantly to make sure you aren't being hunted.

  2. Imposter Ghost title brought me back to when there was a rumour the ghost could appear as a player. I kind of miss when I was a noob and didn't know the full abilities and limitations of the ghosts. A lot of the atmosphere is gone but Phasma is still quit scary sometimes with ghost events lol.

  3. I have been WAITING for you to do the candle challege…. Try going to Asylum w just a candle.. Me n my buddy had to bc our flashlights didnt load in the beta… xD


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