Chat = Ears Challenge on ALL BIG MAPS! – Phasmophobia [LVL 3800]

In this video I turn off all my sound while chat tries to guide me through Phasmophobia. This caused many funny moments where I had no idea there was a ghost standing directly next to me. I hope you enjoy this Phasmophobia no sound challenge! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch 0.28.6


30 thoughts on “Chat = Ears Challenge on ALL BIG MAPS! – Phasmophobia [LVL 3800]”

  1. Tip: every time u make a change on enviroment like turning on light or open/close doors ,sometimes it gives numbers, ignore them (low numbers just give us an idea that is somewhere around us, dont forget to call ghost for activity :3

  2. Update idea, the dev should put some sort of subtitles into the game so if someone that’s deaf wants to play they can, and be able to gather evidence like everyone else I think this would be a good idea so people that are deaf can also enjoy the fun

  3. As a deaf Phasmo gamer this was pretty surreal to watch lol (I used to just solo, go in with temp gun and find the room with it..Then they nerfed the shit out of it and I went with the EMF reader to find the ghost.) Also still think there should be at least a basic wheel command to communicate with teammates. I'm usually the first to find the ghost, collect signs and all that jazz meanwhile the rest of the rando's are just chilling in the van or jerkin' off outside the front door. :l And yet I get booted 90% of the time lol

  4. Funny that I went on stream the other day saying it's been a while since I saw a "Chat is my ears" cause I've only seen things on YT and then just like that, here it is.

  5. Love this challenge! I'd love to see more, the other maps are waiting! Also I can't believe that prison ghost was considered a "tough one." Also 4 ghost events?! I think I only noticed that one at the end. Maybe it did an event when the EMF was going off loudly as you were leaving..? (And chat was spamming EMF) Idk maybe my ears suck.

  6. 49:36 – such a troll. "My left, your left?" as he keeps spinning around facing different directions so with even 1 second delay to chat any directions given are meaningless =p


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