We are determined to become professional ghost hunters in Phasmophobia.
*Disclaimer: This is a horror game and may not be suitable for all ages.
Phasmophobia “Cheat Sheet”
►Impulse’s wife has an Etsy store. You can check it out here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DesertMeadowsDesign
Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/impulseSV
Imp & Skizz: https://www.youtube.com/impandskizz
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/impulseSV
Instagram: https://instagram.com/impulsesv_yt
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@impulsesv_yt
Website: https://impulsesv.com/
This stream was so funny
I love that Jimmy has been in these past two phasmo streams
He’s quite fun to have around
"chat made me do it" Always blaming us huh smh
1:01:00 To save some time, ask "is it column 1" etc. Then don't waste time naming 16 ghost types before starting down the right column.
I’m sorry I wasn’t here
do you know that on the tabel where the radio is on the side of the tabel there is a name from another content creator
I was loving those challenge runs, so tense, walking around with night vision carrying a cross as the ultimate ghost hunter and meeting a worthy opponent
I don't know how you can be focused on anything you work on, Impulse. So much to distract you plus that huge light on the left.
Scar: "Can I stay alive this time?" I don't know, can you?
Impulses 5 monitors I’ve got that myself and my 5th is an old cell phone of my dads that i use screen desk that makes my computer think it’s a monitor
I love how no matter who’s playing they still have all the letters in GIGS
can't believe theres 2 versions of GIGS lol
52:03 ʰⁱᵈᵉ ʰⁱᵐ
1:03:24 just scar
You know what? The moment you said you had your chat on your teleprompter, it made absolute sense! The amount of times I have seen people, like, looking off to the side away from the camera and also their mic just to read the chat and then turn back to the camera to speak is staggering! The ONLY other person I have heard/seen use a teleprompter on YouTube (not to say other YouTubers don't, I just KNOW this person does) is Technology Connection, and for the content he makes, it makes sense. Using it to see AND talk to your chat is next level!
Love the Phasmo vids coming back, always a laugh. They haven't actually nerfed the tier 1 thermo yet, they slowed down the house temp changes months ago and the thermo is harder to see with the lighting changes but it's still totally accurate, the hantu just kept changing rooms so it didn't drop quickly.
all of you together make JIGS, 10/10
Impulse was 100% having flashbacks from the 13hr spent doing the challenge with half speed
Me repeating Banshee Banshee Banshee and my daughters staring at me like I’m nuts only to get it right 😂😂
1:59:26 Grian is struggling with authority 😂
I would love to see you join in on a CJ (a phasmo dev), Psycho, and Insym group. See how long you can last through their shenanigans. I feel like you're one of the only hermits that might be able to survive.
Soooo many good sound bites for cubs horn shop
valley girl grian was not something i knew i needed in my life, but i'm glad it happened
impulse are we counting the tv/moniter in the back, making 6 total?
Edit: oh you also use that cheat sheet website. honetlsy thought i might be the only one to know about it lol
1:03:21 this line from scar… it really needs to be one of cubfan's custom horns
Did you know the bop that plays in the lobby at 32:59 is on YouTube? It's called Luminosity, and I'm pretty sure it was written specifically for Phasmophobia.
1:03:41 "Back in Time" by rik4k, according to google
11:36 is when they get in the van btw.
Fun ghost fact: most real world poltergiest cases are caused not by a ghost or spirit but by a living person (often a child) in the home subconsciously moving objects around the space using a supposed psychic ability known as psychokinesis.
Hey Impulse, You could get your Phasmo fix by doing multiplayer games with viewers. It would take a little to setup and some moderation coordination, but I'm sure your viewers would love the opportunity to Phas with you. Perhaps reach out to Lavender or any of the other Phas streamers who do community games for advice?
the moment that impulse saw the cards i said dew it
Grian’s dedication is on point. Counting up to 10,000 in Discord…
I absolutely love the addition of Jimmy to the team! I really hope he becomes a regular in he rotation. #GirlGottaEat
If jimmy is on the team wouldnt that make it team JIGS?
Computer setup at 5:50
I can't stand the valley girl voice
I think it's safe to say Grian did not have the sads after they got done with their # slay # girlboss ghost hunts
1:46:45 you need to keep pulling you need high priest card
2:10:09 Someone get this to Cub
Saw that there were no timestamps, so I made my own.
4:06 Impulse has 5 monitors (Impulse setup)
9:08 Grian’s excuse for today
10:08 Grian joins
10:54 one-ty-hundred
11:34 first game (Professional)
12:26 Grians confession
13:37 Breaker found
14:35 Room found
15:19 Evidence Nr.1 (UV)
16:58 Evidence Nr.2 (Ghost Writing)
19:05 Timmy in the closet
19:20 Hunt 1
19:51 RIP Scar
20:16 Hunt 2… wait… nvm Hunt 2
20:52 Asmr
21:41 If you drink enough, the sads go away
23:00 Hunt 3
24:34 Premature (Jimmy's first time)
25:27 Hunt 4 (RIP Grian)
25:56 Hunt 5
26:36 Jimmy is, somehow, still alive
27:20 Hunt 6
29:04 Not a demon?
29:51 First Game end (Poltergeist)
31:05 Throwing thing hard
32:52 Vibing to music
35:04 Game 2 (Challenge Mode)
38:29 First Hunt
39:50 Hunt 2
41:12 Room found
42:21 Hunt 3 (RIP Jimmy, Scar, Grian)
42:37 "DEMON"
45:07 Problematic Door
46:10 Game End (Yokai)
47:43 Game 3 (Challenge Mode)
48:44 Hunt 1 (RIP Scar)
50:04 Front Door Ghost
50:26 Hunt 2 (RIP Impulse, Jimmy, Scar)
50:47 A Deogen maybe?
51:13 Lone Survivor Grian
51:23 Hunt 3
52:55 What info do we have?
53:38 Game End (Banshee)
55:32 Scar asks for impossible things
55:40 Game 4 (Challenge Mode)
57:13 Hunt 1 (RIP Scar, Grian)
58:36 Feeling like an Oni
59:21 Hunt 2 with Instant Jimmy death
59:50 Warning: Little bit loud (50$ Dono)
1:00:15 Hunt 3? (Instant regret)
1:02:22 Goryo?
1:02:50 Game End (Yokai)
1:03:27 Vibing
1:05:10 Game 5 (Nightmare)
1:06:55 Room found
1:08:30 Dread
1:09:00 Laggy Gameplay
1:10:00 Ghost moved
1:11:57 Forcing Hunt (Fail)
1:12:50 Dizzy
1:13:42 Evidence 1 (Ghost Orbs)
1:18:39 First actual Hunt (RIP Jimmy)
1:20:33 Hunt 2 Electric Boogaloo
1:22:26 Hunt 3 (RIP Scar)
1:24:01 Evidence 2 (Freezing Temperature)
1:24:33 Game End (Hantu)
1:26:19 Game 6 (Nightmare)
(Also Tango Wood)
1:27:15 Someone needs a new hip
1:27:35 Door movement
1:29:57 In Love with door, maybe Yurei
1:34:55 Evidence 1 (Ghost Orbs)
1:35:48 #
1:36:56 That Temperature Thingy seems so bad and annoying even if its more accurate.
1:37:23 – 1:38:25 Jimmy, Grian and Scar slay
1:38:36 Hunt 1 (RIP Impulse)
1:40:21 Game End (Yurei)
1:41:15 Game 7 (Nightmare)
1:41:33 Camera Thief
1:44:22 Evidence 1 (Spirit Box)
1:45:24 Ghost moved
1:46:25 He actually took them ( 1:46:45 Well if this isn't the consequences of my own action)
1:47:38 Acting Innocent
1:48:14 RIP Jimmy & Scar
1:50:00 In the closet together
1:50:39 Hunt 2
1:52:15 Feeling like a Moroi
1:53:15 Hunt 3
1:55:37 Evidence 2 (Freezing Temperature)
1:56:49 Hunt 4
1:58:15 Game End (Moroi)
1:59:20 Grian and Authority don't work (especially if it's from Timmy)
1:59:54 [Last] Game 8 (Nightmare)
[Do everything that Jimmy says]
2:03:40 Grian definitely doesn't know where the breaker is
2:05:00 Hunt 1 (RIP Scar)
2:06:26 Angry Timmy
2:07:32 Hunt 2 (RIP Grian, Jimmy)
2:09:25 Game End (Thaye)
2:09:45 Jimmy's Ego is broken
2:11:21 Skizz is replaced by Jimmy [/j]
2:12:15 "What's up, homie buddy"
2:12:51 Progressively backing up
2:12:51 Everyone leaves
GIGS 1.0: GoodTimesWithScar, ImpulseSV, Grian, Skizzleman
GIGS 2.0: GeminiTay, ImpulseSV, Grian, Skizzleman
GIGS 2.1: GeminiTay, ImpulseSV, GoodTimesWithScar, Skizzleman
GIGS 3.0: GeminiTay, ImpulseSV, Grian, SolidarityGaming
GIGS 3.1: GoodTimesWithScar, ImpulseSV, Grian, SolidarityGaming
For legacy information, please check OGs.
Missed skizz but also loved Jimmi playing, Wish the game allowed for more players XD
I was watching the live and said in the chat like "One card won't hurt anyone" And of course it was the death card 😭
"Chat you're the worst!": Cant stop smiling
Challenge details, for anyone wondering:
– Ghost speed 150%
– Sanity 0%
– No flashlights
– Normal player speed
– No cursed objects
– No breaker
– 0 evidence
– Ghost can and will move roooms
– Low ghost interactions
– Lots of roaming
– Short hunt length, extended significantly by kills
So that case at 1:55:00 ish; if a ghost throws the book instead of writing in it then you can rule out ghost writing as evidence. It interacted with it, but did not produce evidence.
Valley girls are back!!!!
“I’ve got this hack, right? Where if we start playing, Grian will get FOMO and he’ll start crying to us and then he’ll randomly join”
Yeah sounds about right for G
Nerd /pos
“10000 reasons that I hate you for not being- what are you-? where have you been?!”
“I don’t need this kind of abuse”
“I woke up with a case of sads”
Is so valid and relatable
“How many did you drink?”
“I thought if I drank the sads would go away”
[about sunny meadows]
“Ooo that’s my favourite place to hang out when I’m feeling SAD”
“I almost felt something”
“Here’s a thing about my friends here: Timothy and scarithy. Neither of them listen”
“We listen” vs “that’s true”
Hey Impulse, Grain, and Mr. Skizzle Man and Scar, and Jimmy!!! I'm a Granny gamer! From Detroit! I'm here in Arizona where my sister and best friend live!!! and would love to meet you guys, to get some input on gaming equipment! Or, you can just send me a list of things that I need to start my channel! I and podcast I'm trying to start!! I would really appreciate it! I'm only here for another week or 2! But the excitement of just being this close is so amazing!!