Chillin With Pajama Ghost In Phasmophobia

Why won’t pajama ghost even look at me
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39 thoughts on “Chillin With Pajama Ghost In Phasmophobia”

  1. I've never been the biggest fan of Kara. Her personality is kind of too harsh for me. But I agree with her that push to talk should not be on because they get to hear Jordan's genuine reaction. And as a viewer who only watches on YouTube hearing lay more attention to the notifications takes away from the game. He's not paying attention to the game and then he ends up talking over his teammates

  2. When jordan said "hello can u show yourself pls ,pls talk to me are u very focogenic" then he said "say hello to my little freind the camera" "hello i will only use ur photo in a bla bla bla" that was like in a childish voice i love those words and ill even put them in some kind of banner, poster what ever i just want to watch more joooorrrdddaaannn childish voices, this comment was hard to do because i had to memorize his saying then i said u know what who cares (me and the people that saw this comment) uwu, they said uwu was a furry word but whatever suits me and my uwu voice… 👌

  3. Yea, all this reading notifications again is just annoying at this point.
    If you want interaction with your audience, I think you should really switch to a soloplayer project.
    It's just completely maddening when you want to see someone interact with the other people they're with and all they do is being muted and reading out donations.
    All the social interaction games at this point (Among Us, Phasmaphobia, Mianite), I won't continue to watch here, because it's always the same.
    All it is, is reading out donations, taking the immersion out of it.
    Even if I try really hard, I am not able to be invested in watching you play this, because I'm constantly being taken out of the game by "thank you sparklysimp123456789 for the sub".

  4. Jordan, can you stop being such a dork to your friends? Like I get sarcasm, but you're taking it too far. Just pull back a bit? I don't want you to loose such great streaming and video buddies. I probably should let them talk for themselves, but also I don't like watching the videos where you guys bicker and its not the light hearted stuff it used to be. The kids don't like it when the parents fight and all that. "Haha I tHiNk ThEy HaTe EaChOtHeR." No. Thats not what I mean. Its the "Kara you messed up!" "No I didnt" Jordan proceeds to give a full diss-ertation (pun fully intended) on why Kara messed up and just rails on about how it's not something he would mess up. Like dude, forking chill.

    Edit to add: I came here from their videos, I watch from their perspective, just in case someone tells me to stop watching if I don't like it. I watch to watch them and support their streams and videos, which means I hear Jordan and his kinda harsh comments.

  5. Questions for the Spirit box are the following:
    "How old are you?"
    "Where are you?"
    "Are you here/near?"
    "Talk to me"
    "What do you want"
    "give me/us a sign"

    Ones that I think would work are
    "Are you young or old?"
    "What is your age?"
    "Are you an adult or child?"
    Just for future reference. Asking it "can you hear me" is not a question that will get answered. Hopes this helps!

  6. 55:15 Wait, did Insym actually raid the Spooklez? cause it's Insym's videos and his advice that I keep putting in these comments to try and make Sparklez better at the game.
    Oh and that trick you were doing with the cabinet doors, you can do with any door, including the front door and for that one if you do it right, you can glitch it to always be passable, even in hunts. I'll try to find Insym's video where he discovers it and link it here.

  7. jardon, more people watch the VODs, please stop prioritizing the twtich audience. i get that they're paying you, but notification reading is so boring/irritating I'm tempted to turn it off every time you start.


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