Close call! But can you tell what it is? | Phasmophobia

This short is courtesy of someone who commented on my full gameplay video. I hadn’t even noticed until a couple of people mentioned one thing that happened during the hunt that I didn’t even notice at the time. And I didn’t notice during editing. And I didn’t notice during all the times I watched the video after rendering. In fact, I probably missed it at least 10 times. But what is this thing? I’m wearing night vision goggles – the tier 3 head gear – during the hunt. The ghost even comes into the room I’m in. If you watch carefully, near the far side of the table, you can see the ghost’s head poke through between the chairs. She’s looking for me… but she doesn’t know where I am. But I’m wearing headgear… that is on!!! This should have told me right away that this ghost is a yokai, but I didn’t recognize it then – and not until someone mentioned it! did you notice? Did you realize it was a yokai?

Remember, gaming should be fun!

#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #shorts #phasmophobiaclips


8 thoughts on “Close call! But can you tell what it is? | Phasmophobia”

  1. I saw the entire video already. But I don't remember the ghost. All I can think about is that the ghost doesn't find you or the other person who talked because it is a Yokai? A ghost that can't hear players from 2,5 meters away.

    Edit: I was right. But I wasn't for the right reason. You indeed had your headgear still on like other commenters pointed out.

  2. When I don't notice anything and I'm about to write it down in the comment section, I always see the other comments and their answers… I really wish I wouldn't see the other comments sometimes, it always give away the answer… Anyway, I was gonna say that this seems like a normal speed and we almost never see the ghost so I was honestly completely lost, I didn't know how we were supposed to guess the ghost in this situation. But then I saw the other comments talking about Yokai and head gear… I hadn't even noticed you had that thing… If it was me I would've 100% turned that thing off, I don't understand why you kept it turned on.


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