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#Phasmophobia #LetsPlay #CohhCarnage
Can't wait to see some added features, bug fixes, and polish for this game. It's already pretty awesome to watch. Hopefully with it blowing up, the dev can get some more support.
ROTFLMFAO, I LOVE how ya can hear in the BG, @ 11:10 Sacriel GTFO-ing!
tbh i think repeating the name just makes it kill them… no point to repeat it when you allready know where it is unless you actually want it to attack you
LOL "are you angry?" As Zeke is laying there mutilated on the floor
Notice though, on episode 7 they never actually asked him to write in the ghost book
are u single ? 😀 😀 😀
20:39 Missed that flying object that dropped to the ground.
"Saying the ghosts name will anger it" everyone repeats the name throughout
I know this video is from a month ago, but if you're going to stream a game you've never played, please go to YouTube and take 10 minutes to watch a beginners guide.
I'm pretty sure "Are you mad, bro?" made the ghost angry.
I wonder how long it will take you guys to realise sometimes you do have to ask the ghost to write in the book xD loving these videos, thank you!! Edit: woop, someone asked politely ^,^
Put the book in the room you seen him in
A door open up by itself just now and a chair was knocked down
Ask if she like pigs
You should of pick up the phone