For those wondering, Poltergeists throw items with a greater force, causing them to fly further. If you see a ghost toss an object at Mach 5 across the room, it’s an easy bet to shoot poltergeist. They also throw items at a higher frequency, though this is harder to observe and is not reliable enough to make a concrete guess off of.
my favorite ghost 👻
He's making some crazy beats
So every footstep is a tossed item? Is that a safe way to tell the ghost is a polty?
I’d die from doing a loop like this because I’m awful at managing stamina lol
For those wondering, Poltergeists throw items with a greater force, causing them to fly further. If you see a ghost toss an object at Mach 5 across the room, it’s an easy bet to shoot poltergeist. They also throw items at a higher frequency, though this is harder to observe and is not reliable enough to make a concrete guess off of.