This guide contains all you ever want to know about photos in Phasmophobia! On top of that it also contains many other advanced tips and mechanics! This video surely contains a couple new tips and tricks for even the most seasoned Phasmophobia player! I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you learned something new in the comments below! Much love and see you during the streams!
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Question of the video: What do you like to watch more, solo or team Phasmophobia videos?
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About the challenge wheel:
The link to the challenge wheel is too long to work in a youtube description, if you want the wheel you can join the discord and check the pinned messages in the #phasmophobia channel.
Hey Insym, what is going on with the activity chart after you did the sanity pills bug? Is it just the chart or will the ghost actually have constant minimum of 8 activity?
You legend 🔥
This is the story about how I went from being a lower thug to a lvl 100 mafia boss, by taking photos 😎
@Insym I like what you do now in regard to videos. It is a good mixture of solo, team play, etc. I did find this video very helpful as I could not figure out how some of the mechanics worked and your explanations were spot on and easy to understand. Well done mister!
What is with the 6 dislikes? I guess some people just really don't like pictures.
I wonder if that sanity pill trick bugged out the activity monitor cause it seemed to be stuck at a high level afterwards
Quick question: When you say that only 1 ghost picture counts; is that 1 pic per "mission", or 1 pic every time he appears (as he may appear multiple times in a single mission)?
I tested smudge during a hunt it doesn’t switch target but make the ghost wonder around for 5 sec, if the other person is on the other side trolling that makes you think the ghost is switching target, but it is wondering and by the 5 sec over it pick the closest person to target if it’s not a banshee
Amazing guide! thx
So at 19:03 does the Crucifix protect you while provoking the ghost?
I like both, solo and group plays, friends, chat and random, all of it! 🙂 when are you making an outro btw?
Edit: I mean a cooler outro with music and stuff!
I prefer watching solo but I don't mind watching in a group also
awesome video, many thanks, very help, much wow
my prefered way to watch Phasmophobia is watching someone have fun, I don't care if you solo or run random groups, or with friends, as long as you are enjoying yourself I can enjoy myself. I'm weird that way.
i prefer it when you play solo, especially if something extra spooky happens.
Stellar guide! It's insane how much misinformation and things that aren't properly explained are in this game. This guide is one of the best – learned a lot. Thanks for uploading and congrats on the success!
How long do you have to take an interaction photo before it's ot registered?
I got an ouija board photo today while trying to get fingerprints photos on Ridgeview in utility room.
Never got fingerprints photos btw… Weird bug, but it was a very shy oni in the end. Guess cuz I was alone.
I have today happy birthday and 2021 yay!!!!!
I'm the primary photo-taker in my Phasmo group, so I really appreciated this! I didn't know about the coding for the photo scores. I figured out that only ghost photo counts, but didn't know that dirty water is worth hardly anything if there isn't an objective. So I learned something new! A bit if feedback, though: this guide video might be better filmed offline, without the live audience to interrupt and distract. The information is great and helpful! I'm glad I found this because I want to get better at this game; we consistently get $30 for photos, but I've gotten $35 a few times. Never even knew $40 was possible! But right now I'm 22 minutes into this video and thinking "are the remaining 16 minutes going to be like this? Nearly half of this video is this guy pausing every few seconds to thank people for gifted subs. The title of this video says it's a photo guide and advanced tips. I don't care about his subs, I'm here to learn something." The video is 38 minutes long. I like long videos, generally! But half of this was "thank you for the 5 gifted subs! You guys are amazing!" and I find myself thinking "oh my god, get on with it. This is good stuff, but please stop interrupting the flow of information!" Anyway, again, I'm very glad I found this and that I learned something new from you! Thank you! I look forward to learning more!
I leave this comment for yt interaction algo because I really liked the video and your content but have nothing important to add or ask lol.
This is a great guide!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom. <3
I like watching you playing with randoms. It's like Pandora's Box, you can either get a blessed or a cursed game XD
Great guide and explaining thank you Insym! ❤️
I guess it's a good thing Dirty Water is worth so little since it's harder to get, but also we're all living on top of an embarrassment of riches so lol
It definitely depends on the video, but I like watching your solo vids a LOT! Sometimes you get a really funny teammate like the guy who played religious chants to piss off the ghost, and sometimes not so much. Have a good one Insym!
Why do I get $45 after finishing a hunt if $40 is the max? Also, you can fix the Spirit Box issue by squelching your radio once.
Great Phasmophobia tips. Big brain
So what does the range number mean? Is it random on how many points it gives you or is it because multiple photos on (X Evidence) stacking limit is?
How do you throw the book or board so it stands up like that?
Imagine having to pray the ghost spawns in a room with a sink to complete objective 2. It's not like I can personally remember a time this was the case!
Mm, I disagree (slightly). If you put both EMFs in the house, you have greater coverage for EMF events. Imagine you find the ghost room and slap an EMF down, you'll know if he does anything next to it. If you have the other inside and put it somewhere else, you'll hear if he does anything in that area too.
2 EMF readers are not as useful as having 2 books inside, but certainly not useless
Thank you
Awwww, he didn't thank the guy who donated 950 bits :(.
Is this still a thing in the new update?
can you take multiple pictures of the same fingerprint or do you have to find different fingerprints for each photo?
So with the stars update, I get the max points when take a 3 star photo?
Do the photos need to be taken in a particular order or does it not matter as long as you've got the highest value things? So like I could do board, 7 fingerprints/interactions, bone, ghost? Would that be the same outcome as any other order?
Is this photo guide still active even after the new stuff that came out last month?..meaning the same points and dirty water still useless to take unless you got the objective.
Am I the only one who is extra spooked by adult ghosts in children's rooms?
is this guide still relevant to the newer updates?