The most terrifying of all ghosts…. crawling anything. I think it’s a strong tie between crawling baby and crawling pajama lady. Either way – crawling ghosts are scary. Thankfully Grafton has (at least until this beta patch comes out and then it might be fixed) this sweet spot under the stairs where the ghost can’t quite figure out how to get to you. It crawls up the stairs, realizes your downstairs, crawls down the stairs, thinks you’re upstairs, and repeats. Either way, crawling baby went past us and then played around on the stairs for a bit. Don’t rely on this hidey hole because I’m not positive it works. At least once, I’ve died in there. And I’m pretty sure it’s getting fixed soon (if not already for those of you in the beta). Wonder if the developers will drop a voodoo doll there when they fix it.
Hope you’ve enjoyed my clip from my phasmophobia scary moments. Phasmophobia crawling ghosts are definitely freaky!
#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame
That's a great spot.
My fav spot of all
that spot is golden for sure!
You should put a baby gate in your inventory. 😉
So glad this is still working with the new patch 🦾
That's the spot I go to fight my fear of the hunts on the wooden farmhouse, would have been funny to see 4 people in that spot 😁🧐
Creepy Crawlers.
oh its the crawling bab-
A least it is not a Revenant this time.
That baby is crawling for a reason- it’s because that’s how baby walks
I've only seen the walking baby, is the crawling baby new? Because I don't think I've ever seen the crawling one, or maybe I have, idk
Crawling baby alert
Go kick it maybe it'll go away
RIP to safe spots
Can I just say how much I love that even though the crawler is…you know…crawling, it still sounds like it’s walking around with foot steps lol 😂
That ain’t no baby😂 it looks like a naked mole rat😂😂
Revenant crawling baby one thing to have on my alt f4 list
I saw his mouth open wided with many sharp tooth's
Imagine this at night them you hear your fat cat walking so you think there a crawling baby in ur house