Kiting a ghost in Asylum or High school is simple. Even the Prison is pretty easy. But in houses… well, it’s a bit harder. Add in that the ghost is crawling and well… ouch. HARD! I know because I’ve died more than a few times trying to master the kiting of the ghost… and that was when they weren’t crawling. Crawling ghost are harder to see if your kiting around an object. Props to my friend ChiggyPepi (can find him on Twitch under the same name) for not only willingly kiting the ghost around the counter, but not dying! How many of you could have kited this crawling ghost around the kitchen island not died?
Thanks for watching my Phasmophobia shorts.
#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmo
Kiting crawles in narrow spots
Round and round the merry go round…
I'm not sure if I should call that a game of tag or a game of ring around the rosie gone horribly dark and haunting
My friends when I told them to mute and them succeed to ignore me and keep being unmuted:
Good video as always! I know I always say this but I always mean it
Thats some tight kiting
everyone dislike the new patch because it doesnt respond to some other fixes we wanted (ranglewood global fixes , lit smudge stick doesnt enter in contact with ghost, two room ghost with one responding to box and writing in book, other is freezing…) or doesnt bring actual challenge to the game but instead is a result of bad programming (insta dead when ghost opens doors on ur close or locker – and the two biggest streamers on twitch proved its 💩 on their first try because they cant react to close doors back)
How you kited that without losing your mind is beyond me lol
she's got cold feet. they are blue.