This Phasmophobia teaching session almost went really wrong at the end! We learned several new tricks during this run! Including that you can place salt under the ghost to get footprints right away, and that the “what is your favorite room” question doesn’t actually respond with the favorite room but simply the location of the ghost. Hope you learned something! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch
The other thing I noticed that confirmed that it wasn't a Jinn for me was that it turned off the breaker. Jinns prefer to have it on and unless I'm wrong, will even turn it on if it's off.
the jinn only really speeds up at a decent range right? and its not like a little bit of speed, but it goes full rev mode at twice the player's speed which should definitely be noticeable in longer hallways
That Oni was trying to get clever, tried to ambush you there
1k views and 0 dislikes………………
petition for insym to buy 123 glowsticks at 123k subs
15:21 hello sir, i'm oni
Ahahaha jinn + oni = Jonny
15:23 scared the living crap out of me, holy shit
When people ask "Are you French?" I wish there was a small chance the ghost could answer "Oui!"
Bro your so underrated and your a legend!!!
I got a cool idea. If the ghost touches the piano there should be a fingerprint on one of the keys
7:20 only phasmophobia players will understand out of context
The favorite room question with the Ouija board is what i thought was simply 'what's your current whereabouts?' and it tells you
Insym: Inb4 it writes in the book
Ghost: writes in book
Insym: Wait no
challenge: on next comfy stream put "This is NOT a Challenge" tile all over the screen kappa
I'm sorry to ask, but how many hours do you have in Phasmophobia?
Also can you explain Jinns to me, as I thought Jinns don't turn the power breaker off 😀
Woah, I just had Robert Robinson last night… He was no fun.
It's nice to see my own name pop up in chat. Means I had enough time to catch the stream and I had a joyful day.
That video was pure science and that's almost what I enjoy most. You finding out new stuff is so much fun to watch!
Good Night people, have wonderful dreams today, whenever you might read this <3
Hello hello!
So i played 3 rounds today, lasted 2 hours, banshee revenant and oni, solo pro, and didnt get hunted one time. what u guys should do is before u go in, bring everything u need to the front door, saves a bunch of time
It would be a good idea if the devs made it where if a hunt starts because of the ouiji board that the ghost checks the area where the board is first? Just food for thought if the dev sees this
I jumped so hard when he was in your face, oml.
Day #37, imma have to watch tomorrow tho, long day of moving im sooooooooo tired, hope you’re having a lovely day Insym!! 💕
It´s allll fun n´spirit.
Until it´s a revenant.
I just got a 40$ on photos the other day and I didn't even got all pictures. Like 1 of them was blank.
You know, the biggest hint that it wasn't a Jinn is that it turned off the breaker. A Jinn won't turn the breaker off because it needs power on in order to use it's zoom ability.
Also the other day, I played on Asylum and I found the ghost type without ever finding her room. SO I found emf 5 with the ouija board, spirit box during a hunt, and well it was not a jinn so, Oni
Him: Casually reading chat while almost dying in hunt
Me: Scared to walk in house on amateur
Day 59 of 2021 appreciating Insym's daily uploads
Close calls like that in hunts REALLY make me tense, my butt clenching so hard.
Hi insym i was wondering how do you have the "all" feature when you put items into the game
About the ghost speed. I had todaya match againist a poltergeist but he was as fast as a revenant and I'm saying this cuz he just zoomed at me and killed me.( anywau guess that is just a bug)
I'm going presume if I know this then Insym for sure knows this but this is more for others reading comments. Also, I do see a lot of people on discord for game requesting ghosts become faster.
Remember that the Ghost AVI is programmed to take the quickest path from A to B (I presume), our human-controlled avatars don't always take the quickest path so ghosts can catch up if we're looping a ghost.
So if we take a corner to wide, the ghost will take it sharper and close the gap on us.
P.S I believe I'm correct on this and I presume many others know this already 🙂
I remember looking at the video thumbnail and thinking, "Those walls look like it's on Bleasdale." Then I realized that Bleasdale and Grafton have the same wall texture, but then it turned out I was right about the map. xP
Also, I was always under the impression that all questions you can ask are separated into categories, one of which is considered "Room" questions which "What is your favourite room" is considered one of. So I guess that confirms it for me.