David in Prison – Phasmophobia LVL 1100 Special

Our very first no evidence run on the new prison map in Phasmophobia! Rules: No evidence is where you are not allowed to use any of the tools that give you evidence for the book, you can only use secondary evidence such as taking a photo of a phantom, or turning lights on and off for mares. It’s all based on behavior. This run was really solid but I did make one mistake! (check the spoiler down below to know what that was) All in all a solid Phasmophobia run that brought us to level 1100! Hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

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We had the ghost hunt at around 70% sanity, this alone should have given me enough information to know that it was a Banshee, because the modifier for Demon is actually one 15%!! So a Demon cannot hunt above 65% sanity. I thought the modifier was 25% but it is actually 15%. Well you have to learn from your mistakes! But just wanted to write this for anyone wanting to learn everything about this game.


28 thoughts on “David in Prison – Phasmophobia LVL 1100 Special”

  1. I think the crucifix was used the moment you went out to the van for pills the first time and second while you were waiting at the end…. Anyways it's fun watching you roasting David ❤ 😂 gg bro.

  2. I don't know why but whenever I play with friends and they start dying, no matter the evidence we've collected the ghost always starts acting like a poltergeist and just really aggressively chucking stuff at me. Must be a bug…

  3. At 1:06:01 the Total Activity board in the truck jumped from 0 to 4. According to the EMF guide video released today which I watched before this, it will conclude that EMF 5 is another piece of evidence, and therefore was not a Demon and was a Banshee. So, yes I was correct lmao. 1:08:22

  4. When the crucifix disappeared at the end, you had no way of knowing that it didn't use the first charge way earlier, which it probably did. Also, YES I CALLED IT BEING A BANSHEE WHEN YOU FIRST FOUND IT! THAT'S ANOTHER WIN IN THE BOOKS!

  5. I got it as a Banshee, but only because I saw activity of 4 multiple times while you were in the van.
    If you had asked me 1 day ago I wouldn't have known that. But since your latest video I have learned a new trick.

  6. My favorite ghost type is demon. Because they are much chaotic and also I had very fun experiences with them. Charles the demon was in love with me. Whenever I started to singing he played he piano, other times he was messing with different stuff. Besides the piano was in the next room and he didn't even roamed there except the times I sang. And he didn't even hunt that much even though he was so active. Also my second favorite is jinn. There was a guy named Jonathan Williams, he was a true gentleman as a jinn.

  7. Roblox has had the prison game for a long time but it’s completely different. My kids play the game and it’s like a funny little cops & robbers game. Phasmophobia did NOT copy Roblox and only children would say that, in my opinion. They’re 2 completely different styles of game. Not every game with a prison in it has copied Roblox 😂

  8. I just noticed that while you explained your reasoning behind the demon choice, the ghost activity made a jump from 0 to 4 (1:05:13) which according to your EMF guide would indicate a Banshee because a demon cannot produce an EMF 5 event. ^^ Just a funny detail I noticed, especially since the EMF guide was released after this video.

    Also, does that mean the ghost activity screen is permitted or prohibited for No Evidence runs?


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