Demon Show Yourself! | Phasmophobia

Demon Show Yourself! In today’s video, we are going to be playing Phasmophobia. In this Phasmophobia gameplay, we are investigating a house that has a lot of paranormal activity and the ghost seemed to be very active. I walked into the house with my video camera, flashlight, and EMF reader to find the ghost. Now, as soon as I walked into the house to set up my equipment I noticed an odd mist near me and I really didn’t think much of it. I kept walking down the hallway and I started to hear strange noises and things hit the floor, I started to walk back outside and the lights started flickering. I decided to walk towards the flashing lights and this ghost was right behind me and it had a weapon in its hand, So I hid in the closet until it left. It turns out that this ghost was a very angry demon and didn’t want me here at the house. Then, I placed a ghost book so it could write something, and It drew a few demonic symbols and it was just a very uneasy experience. After we got the demon drawing, I decided to talk to the demon and it was very talkative and would respond to most things I said, I think the creepiest thing it said was at the very end when I tried to get more information out of the demon, I asked it something and it said death! This was one of the more active demons I have ever seen, the fact this demon went out of its way to not only talk to me but actively give me signs of its location was just creepy. I hope you enjoyed this demon Phasmophobia gameplay. I will catch you later!

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