I stream on TWITCH
Monday – Friday
1:30pm – 8pm Central Time (CST)
(time is different on Wednesday during school year)
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Zero Sugar, 10 calories, and has added vitamins
Sneak energy does sponsor me, but even before they did I still considered Sneak the best energy drink on the market.
Check them out here
Promo code – DUSK
That was VERY disturbing. But also very funny. Thanks for the entertainment 🙂
All that eye contact…
God this moment was fantastic, so glad I clipped it.
Hahah I was there for this! 😆
Dusk: “Give me your banshee sounds…”
Ghost: Be like Ke$ha trying to say “I like your beard.” Lol 😂
i guess he did not quite like it that you turned of the nice and warm shower 😂
Anyone else having issues with new patch? I have had 6 shades in a row since I updated and I can't get the emf to go off hardly at all only got it to show emf 5 once.
That ghost was I freak it was like oh you like looking well here go you like that 😏 lamoo
hi i love ur vids
Lol that was good
Merry Christmas great vid I subscribed very recently and I love your channel I would like it if you so more real life ghost hunting. Have a great day!
"Edgewood" hahaha
You gotta love when ghosts do things that make them unique
Ghost: You sure gotta purty Beard boy
That Ghost definitely is hitting on you! Cause it must've liked your new 👠 👠 XD them baddies are loud as fuck lol
It just wanted a shower, i guess. I think it's Just a very hygenic Ghost?
Hoping one day I can still get unbanned from the discord. ZakTheZombie 2021.
Dusk: "I don't know if that was creepy or if that was sexy."
Ghost: "Why not both?"
That slow turn was so awesome
That was creepy. Definitely creepy.