Don't Fall for This Trick! – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we almost get completely bamboozled by the ghost! I had no idea this could happen! I hope you learned something too! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.1.7


35 thoughts on “Don't Fall for This Trick! – Phasmophobia”

  1. Hello Insym, i have a game that you should play absolutely, as much as its a little grindy but gives out a good horror experience, you should play " Signal Simulator ", The game is about aliens and the extra terrestrial. I would love watching. 🙂

  2. If I'm remembering correctly, the short "hee" sound also comes from a "Manifest then walk toward the target" event. I only remember the airball event ever playing that one clip.

  3. I actually did notice this a lot while playing with ghost events, and i wondered "maybe there's a way to distinguish the airball ghost event sound" and just automatically assumed that the "clean sound" (the 3rd one) will always be the airball

  4. Air ghost events has always long "Heee", the other ghost events are random, they can also have "Heee" but air ghost event never has another… more confusing is, where you have the long hee without showing ghost it self and without air ghost event

  5. I had a dream were Phasmophbia introduced an asymetrical PVP mode (probably because I fall asleep while listening to a video about Evolved), were one player is the ghost and other four players play the investigator. And Insym had a blast playing as the ghost trolling the investigator players.

    That dream begs the question… how would Phasmophbia be rebalanced to work, if it does eventually get a PVP mode?

  6. 1st ghost event, the large haaaaaaa like the ghost let out a large exhaustion of breath like he's fed up with you invading it's space. Physic ghost event but can spawn on top of you so it can be instant without seeing the ghost

    2nd ghost event noise, the hathe, which rhymes with wraith; the ghost event that sounds like a cat hissing very short and like it's not trying to wake the neighbors but if the cat had a lsype(pronunced " lisp " (tied tongue- like mike tyson) so instead of hey, it's a heyth. This event can show its ghost form self like any other ghost event but also can spawn on top of you and seem instant as well.

    3rd ghost event -The all caps HAEYYY…..sounds like the ghost is saying hey to you absurdly, as if your not suppose to be fooling around with the ghosts underwear but you bent over and revealed the undees in your back pocket…..and HEY!!! . Those are mine, and it's a ghost ball event that you normally will see unless it sneaks up on you. It's always visible. Onis can't do this.

    Last time I heard the haythe ghost event, was in the level 8000 mega challenge. The 1st mission for the challenge

  7. Hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa – Hey! – Haaaaaaaaa….

    Is how I always differentiated it.

    As for the "Hey!" ghost event… I usually heard it after a ghost did a haunt/Fake hunt.. when they reach me they give the hey… As if saying "Hi, Just a prank!" .. So maybe it spawned a fake hunt on you and instantly said the "Hey!" Just a hunch.

  8. I've always categorized them like this:

    Oni: HAAAA (closed throat A sound), HEEEH (or sneeze, as I am want to call it)

    Non-Oni: HAAAAHHH (air ball ghost event; open throat A sound)

    It's confusing to put it into text, but when I'm playing with friends, I can reliably convey the differences to them.

  9. The only time I've heard that "Hey" ghost event with no physical manifestation was the door in the start room. I've never had that ghost event in a game. (I'm lvl 500+)


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