Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I remind you that you only have 3 days left to get yourself the halloween trophy. Make sure you don’t forget to do it!
This is the recipe for the trophy:
– 3x rotten apple from storage area to the right.
– 3x bean bag from around the campfire area
– 2x bear eyes from right toilet near campfire
– 1x screaming skull from small campfire area
– 1x rose from the pier with the skeletons
– 1x bowl of teeth from the kitchen in the cabin
– 1x plushie from the reception
– 1x brain in a jar from the reception
– 1x flashlight (any tier will work)
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.1
Who did the Halloween event?
I think 1 extra inventory slot at prestige 100 would actually be REALLY COOL… think about games like TIAG where you can carry all items at all times, yeah it would change the game but I still think it would be really cool and not necessarily OP because all it would do is lessen time spent traversing between the truck and the map
I think the new game could be like phasmo with an option for multiplayer like 4 hunters and there’s a ghost so it’s not multiplayer sided but it can also be like current phasmo where it could be you and your friends with an ai ghost and then you have the choice to do either vs ai or vs a player it would be good to have variety.
I was randomly watching some chess video of xqc vs Hikaru and the 2nd top comment I see is of yours lol😂 do you play chess or just cuz of XQC?
5 hr gang
Hey Ben je nl??? En nog gefeliciteerd met 800k
I did the ingredients out of order and it worked lol
Is it just me or are ghosts getting more blocked randomly around (Hunt and when you see dots)?
About the whole quiet audio on hunt start thing, yesterday i was playing intermediate with a friend (usually i play nightmare, but they're newer). They placed the crucifix too far in, while I was doing stuff in the ghost room. I only heard a single footstep behind me, and it assassinated me.
will they ever allow players who owned the game from the beginning to earn the old trophies?
Congrats on 800k! ❤
I did it! Got my first trophy too (not gonna lie, I would have definitely skipped it if not for this video). I just went along with you (constantly rewinding the video to figgure out how to get to the items lol). Thank you! And thank you to the person in the comments who said you can do it with a friendly ghost, because campsite is quite tough for me.
Can you do this on custom diff?
where can I find tips from Insym about cursed objects? did he mention this is some previous video or maybe it will be video about it? I know I can google it, but I want to watch it on his channel 😀
Whats the point to do that? You'll get some useless badges with useless trophy
I'm really new to the game and decided to try my first solo investigation today to get the trophy, so I only brought 2 flashlights and I guessed It was a poltergeist correctly with no evidence other than the fact it was trying to play ring toss with me. thank you for all the help and tips in your videos they really have helped me learn how to play this game better!
The eyes were tricky to find?
The bean bag thing had me throwing pillows and random possible bag-looking stuff into the cauldron!
Or maybe it's because where I'm from we don't have that little minigame.
pov ur pcs broken
you should do the rec challenge again ( only being able to see with video cam )
I literally just bought a new Xbox series x so I have the console I need for when phasmo comes out. Impatiently waiting, but your videos keep me entertained! Thanks for the phasmo content and teaching me everything I know about this game. 😁
Pls Upload 7 Days To Die Pls