Don't Mess with This Ghost in Phasmophobia

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22 thoughts on “Don't Mess with This Ghost in Phasmophobia”

  1. Just a tip that I've noticed for EMF 5, if you look at the activity board and you see it jump from 0 activity to level 5 activity and then drop down immediately after that, it's usually EMF 5. I've had that happen multiple times and it seems to be a way to find EMF 5 if you don't have an EMF reader. It's also the same for if it jumps to activity 5 and then immediately to activity 10 it's EMF 5 somewhere in the house. Also, Shades can't hunt until 35% sanity as far as I know, so if you're looking and your options are Demon, Revanent and Shade and you're not being hunted until below that, it's probably a Shade. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great video, your German pronunciation is really good :3
    Btw the one ghost that seem invisible, aka the phantom has the characteristics to be more in the invisible state while hunting and is a good way to tell if you're dealing with a phantom :3

  3. If not said already about demon and oujia board: the Demon draws less sanity by use of it than others. Do not know if it is 20% of normal or 80% and you need to have a feeling how much which questions take (hide and seek should be the highest while others have less than it). Its just a special item reaction like Onryo (?) and Fingerprints (6 Fingers and disappear faster) or the Banshee and the Para (unique sound)


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