Duckling Gaming being scared in Phasmophobia

Phasmophobia is one of the scariest games I have ever played. Subscribe for more content like this
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29 thoughts on “Duckling Gaming being scared in Phasmophobia”

  1. Here is a list of tips I gave to another youtuber:

    Yall need to use in game chat to talk to each other. It actually interacts with the ghost. Also, be sure to note the descriptions of the ghost types. Some will only hunt when there is 1 person alone. Some will pick a specific person, and ONLY hunt that person until they are dead, then move on to the next.

    The spirit box has had issues with people, so you need to test whether it works or not at the start of each round. Stay in the truck and ask a question. If it says "Nothing detected" after a few tries, you are good. If it keeps cycling, then its bugged for you.

    From what I know, the lower your sanity, the more likely a target you become. You will know it is hunting you as your light will start flashing. You can outrun the ghost, just keep moving. Crucifix will keep it away while hunting you.

    Salt can be put on the ground, and if the ghost passes over it, you can shine the UV light to see its tracks. I recommend using this, as GamingTomato and his friends were saved by it. The ghost cut them off and they would've walked straight into it if they didn't see the footprints.

    Items you buy will be lost if you die. I recommend collecting all equipment before leaving. Make it a rule. Even for items that respawn. Its a good habit to have as items are expensive and you don't wanna lose them.

    This game is always scary, but when you learn how to defend yourself and find the ghost, it becomes easier. Find the ghost as fast as you can. Use those 5 minutes splitting up around the house / building. The faster you find it, the better chances you have of getting out alive.

    Ghost orbs are easy to spot, but they can only be spotted from the tv in the truck. Someone WILL have to chill in the truck a bit.

    The maps get large, so 2 people will NOT be enough. You will need someone guiding you when you unlock the asylum map. There is no outside. Only hallways and stairs. Its like a maze. There is a map in the truck that shows everyones locations, sanity, and ghost activity. When activity reaches 10, the person inside needs to get moving. It won't chase forever, and there are backdoors to some of the maps that the ghost does not lock. That is your ticket out if it is still chasing you by the time you reach it.

    Smudge sticks can be used to keep the ghost from wandering, making it easier to get an orb sighting, spirit box, or temperature check.

    Adding ambiance and music over the video is masking the eerie atmosphere this game provides. I recommend not doing it.


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