This was a textbook perfect Phasmophobia professional game until I decided to test if something was a safe spot… I guess you can probably see how well that went. This video also contains one of the funniest accidental out of context moments I ever had. I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
I stream every day live at 7PM CEST, 1PM EST, 10AM PST over on
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch 0.28.6
Man, you upload so often that you are the only YouTuber I have worry about catching up on videos with, mainly cause they’re just so damn good.
Fun fact: Venttex actually did something similar and died too. He once hide behind a door (the door was open, he hid between the door and the wall) in edgefield during hunt.
You two should do a video together again 🙂
I think the ghost spawned partly inside of it, so you can't tell if it will work or not from that. They do some times target differently if they spawn really close like that.
I just love chilling in my bed and watching your vids😘
Hi yt
I found a safesPot but i aint telling anyone
Me before: Science with Insym is the best since sliced bread. Let's see whadda we got here 🔎🔬
Me after: Ignorance is bliss
New animation? Just noticed it
Insym, professional photographer. Avaiable for weddings, birthday parties and paranormal investigations.
Indeed a weird Ass. Still the FBI wants to know your location
First yeet on the chat
I feel like this should work by the game set, you just need to be quiet. Maybe needs to be patched to work
The real question now is, with the new speed ghost speed update, is the revenant still the most dangerous ghost, or the jinn?
I’m new to this game and you videos help a lot thank you
some uplifting corporate music would work wonders with the new intro
Me: I'm gonna do some science
Ghost: okay man
Insym: I'm gonna do some science also
Ghost: nah man you suck.
„There is a Giant hole in your A$$“ Insym 2021
"We're turdickin' on this fool."
There's a giant hole in yo- Oop
I hate the fact pictures show up different for every player in the book. That's really irritating….
“25% salt”
Ah yes me 24/7
6:29, thanks, Im gonna use it! You are really way too smart! Edit, I didn't notice that u died.
People in public lobbies do NOT appreciate a good photo guy 😒 I'm a good photo guy and no one ever cares 😭
it was in ghost room the science shouldnt of worked
confirmed : science kills you. don't do science kids!
i thought of an update they could add.
perhaps they can make it so the game feels more real, by making some of the houses you investigate duds. kinda like how in real life some people think their house is haunted but the only thing thats haunted is their shitty plumbing system yaknow what i mean?
the house could make similar noises as the ghost would, but you would have to listen and investigate the property, trying to find signs, after not finding signs for a while, say maybe you stumble upon the culprit, by seeing like water leaking from the walls or something, or perhaps theirs like rats in the ceiling. by figuring it out and proving there is no ghost you would get the full payout of a 100% job.
it would give people a chance to make a little extra money once and a while if they werent too good at the game, and it would add a decent sense of realism to it. Plus it will make the real scary moments all the more intense, because first your not even sure if it is haunted.
idk how they would code something like this, as i am not a game designer, but it would definitely be pretty cool to see something like this come to the game.
6:09 making a hot beat in the ghost room. Beats so hot you'd miss freezing temps.
theres a spot under the stairs on bleasdale and you have to shove your head under the stairs until you see inside them then turn around and you should see the sky and 2 wooden poles and thats a complete safe spot
I hope this games becomes really big it seems really fun I can’t wait to try it out for myself
excuse me sir, but do you listen to Ghost by any chance?
Man america is still wearing masks? Weak
Does insym just like every comment as it get written or something
I just sniped a mosquito out of the air with windex. That boi had been bothering me all day. Now I know how the ghost feels when he catches the taunter, lmao
Insym its me minecrafter20071 hi
6:58 "The power of science failed, but you will help save the lives of many…" – Very very true 😂 Can't wait until the beta stuff is pushed to the non-beta version and NOT do that. 😂
Reporting Insym for calling a child a giant a-hole XD
A month an a half and you’ve gained 800 levels. I love destiny 2 but I don’t think even I have that amount of love to commit to a game.
I made a Fort 🤣🤣🤣 dies the next second 😅