Everything Was Great until THIS Phasmophobia Ghost Appeared in Phasmophobia Gameplay with @DarkmodeOB and @Camodo2nd . Today in Phasmophobia, we put the difficulty up to max, which is called apocalypse. We have to investigate the house, find the ghost and escape before it hunts! Will Dark OB be able to escape in phasmophobia?
About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
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Welcome to Dark OB, Beautiful OB’s second channel. If you’re a fan of spine-chilling experiences and thrilling adventures, make sure to like, subscribe, and also check out the main channel, Beautiful OB, for more content. Thanks for your continued support!
#beautifulob #darkob #phasmophobia
Yooooo I love you ob can I have pin pls 😊
11 seconds gang
1 minute gang
I love your channel❤️😁
I love this so much
I hope you have a great day ob and viewer's ❤
ob you are so cool and im not a scared of ghost anymore
Ob btw if the ghost throws the book it’s not gonna write in the book.
Why wont you guys play lethal company? Lots of people have been asking. Its the #1 game out right now.
I love the fact that ob has just stuck with the no green screen after is cats destroyed it lol
Can you play a game on Roblox called Blair? It’s the closest game on Roblox to Phasmo and I was wondering if I could play it with you.
your cool ob
good job today have fun on the next one
Why does your room look like A arcade now???
The ghost busters are back ! 👻👻
OB Do apocalypse 1 on the asylum map so you earn the bronze apocalypse achievement!!!
Is it me or does the ghost talks to ob most of the time
when the yokai hunts and you turn on your flashlight it wont find you
Very nice!! 👍
Hey OB, I just bought phasmophobia because of your videos keep it up! Any tips for a total noob 😂
More Dark Souls?
I just want to say a fact that you probably already know but on nightmare mimic will have 3 evidence and a mimic on insanity will have 2 evidence but a mimic will always have ghost orb as a extra evidence.
i wish i had phasmofobia 🙁
but keep up the good vids!
OB and Camodo are great leaders, the reason why there is snow in the truck was because Obaby was playing a video game but forgot to close the door.
Ob dont wanna respond to my comment because he hate me i even subscribe 🙁
i love ob and camodo physically, mentaly and emotionally
Ay luved it phasmophobia with comodo is always nice
Honestly my favourite duo for phasmophobia, you’re doing great guys!!
Disappointed you didn't ask bout bowel movements on the first ghost
I love this video, and especially the Yokai ghost, love your videos OB and Camodo !😁
You two are the greatest phasmo streamers lol everything you two do is hilarious whether you mean it to be or not! Thanks for brightening our days! And Camodo taking the lead again?! Let's go! ❤
Thank you on your the main reason i started phas you at u favorite person on YT
OB do you ever stream on YouTube?
Ob how did you get so much XP for the items like flashlights and stuff?
The ghost looked like obaby
22:52 at this moment i thought camodo was gonna say something that isn’t family friendly
Great video, wish I could play phasmophobia but I don’t have a pc or computer