Everything Was Great until THIS Phasmophobia Ghost Appeared..

Everything Was Great until THIS Phasmophobia Ghost Appeared in Phasmophobia Gameplay with @DarkmodeOB and @Camodo2nd . Today in Phasmophobia, we put the difficulty up to max, which is called apocalypse. We have to investigate the house, find the ghost and escape before it hunts! Will Dark OB be able to escape in phasmophobia?

About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.

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41 thoughts on “Everything Was Great until THIS Phasmophobia Ghost Appeared..”

  1. I just want to say a fact that you probably already know but on nightmare mimic will have 3 evidence and a mimic on insanity will have 2 evidence but a mimic will always have ghost orb as a extra evidence.

  2. You two are the greatest phasmo streamers lol everything you two do is hilarious whether you mean it to be or not! Thanks for brightening our days! And Camodo taking the lead again?! Let's go! ❤


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