In this Phasmophobia video, I try to figure out the ghost with no evidence and it can’t hunt! You really need to luck out with some RNG on this one and you need to pay attention to what the ghost is doing. Can we do it????? Game was streamed LIVE on my Twitch channel.
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#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiaupdate
I love your videos make more pls your the reason the I started playing phas and keep up the good work
This was great to watch 😂
so glad i found you, truly
Great work Flash
Good stuff, i was lost the hole time
The Mare can't interact with electrics. Only the car and the radio. It can turn off the switch, but also if the phone rings or the TV turns on, or any light turns on it can´t be a Mare.
I'm guessing The Goryo at 16:47 as they don't change rooms
how is the ghost wisp mean no oni?
Sup flash,my game keeps crashing when i try to launch it.Can you give me some help please?
my favorite challenge
it was obvious it was thaye very earlier.
full sanity make the ghost less active and you found bunch of activity by walking inside the house with full sanity.
I’m newer (just over 3 months) to Phasmo, so I love watching challenges like this… it’s incredibly helpful in learning the ghost traits and abilities. I only get to play a couple runs each day, but I’ve managed to make it to level 85. I binge so much Phasmo content (I work from home) that I’m educating my play group who’s been playing since the launch 3 years ago. 😆 Appreciate your content, sir! ❤
P.S: For the Mare ability, the light switch has a 10 second cooldown each time you flip it. Each time you flip it, it restarts the timer on the cooldown. Literally learned that yesterday lol.
That Ghost had music going through its soul.
There was a wisper directly at the beginning😂
"I feel like I've set up a bank heist" -ears immediately perk up…I've been playing too much Payday 😂
Yeah I tried the T3 thermo once, and was immediately put off it. Having to charge for a check every time made it so much of a pain.
How did you know the ghost was about to do the air ball at 9:06?
Interesting, you mentioned something about the ghost not whispering, was that for a Myling?
2:11 'Oh son of a [Ouij]!'
I sprained my ankle at school today, so I can't do much. Thanks flash, for making your videos.