We joined a random lobby and found these amazingly kind gamers. I asked them if they were oke to be in a video and they said YES! So here you go 😉 Hope you enjoy this really fun random lobby experience in Phasmophobia! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
I stream every day live at 19:00 (7PM) CET over on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Join the community discord: https://discord.gg/insym
grills other players for wasting pics
wastes multiple pics
Yo.. try to push this idea I just came up with… Amusement park. Haunted house attraction. Which is actually haunted.. maybe if a streamer says it it'll be heard better…
He sings that part of the song at least once each time😂 its so silly
its easy till you get bugged demon and spend an hour being hunted!! my favorite episode!!
holy shit! wtf with that ghost… it's exactly look like ghost from RING.
Bearfull, come on man! Don't go around finding love in the wrong places. The ghost's aren't gonna hunt themselves.
3:20 it is funny but I don't think ill do it…
god imagine ghost hunting with german david bowie
Insym is asking the ghost's age b/c he tryna hit up some ghosty girls
fun fact: in the paranormal world, a ghost that takes the form of a child often means that he/she is a demon O_O
1:00–23:00 the revenant's pathing was bugged into walls the entire time, which is why it never caught you during hunt and why you couldn't get on top of it to get EMF level 5
ive been watching these gameplays of yours for hours now
Outdoor map ideas :
Large –
Amusement park (carousel randomly turn on with music and laughing clown noises, house of horrors room, love tunnel, mirror room)
Campsite (like friday the 13th with lots of cabins)
A Hedge maze would be terrifying
small –
biodome/greenhouse garden
Revenant + campsite map = bad things
How about a pun
My pun is..
Insimp 😉
Bro why talk to the Ouiji board if you are going to ignore its answer?
Was surprised to see my own subscription in the video lmao (Evomega), didn't think I'd have the luck. Anyways keep up the great vids man, watching them through and the prayers one had me rolling. Much love from the US.
Have you ever gotten one where you walk into the house and it was freezing at the front door? or you just walked in and it started hunting? (that includes later on in the game if you had already entered that house/building)
Rugs in bathrooms aren't normal? Well my bathroom is completely carpeted
Design 100
If the developer made a louisiana style cemetery map, that would be awesome
Love: happens
Insym: i don't know if I'm even allowed to put this on youtube
Also Insym: puts it in title
Hi Insym!
3:14 see ya bout that
9:12 like a graves
We have a rug in our bathroom too, Insym lmao
lol the bathroom rug comment sparked my curiousity so i googled netherlands/dutch bathrooms and have learned much . I recommend for anyone to read about different restrooms around the world if bored.
Can we give Es for the love!!