Finding LOVE in Phasmophobia – LVL 565 Gameplay

We joined a random lobby and found these amazingly kind gamers. I asked them if they were oke to be in a video and they said YES! So here you go 😉 Hope you enjoy this really fun random lobby experience in Phasmophobia! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

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31 thoughts on “Finding LOVE in Phasmophobia – LVL 565 Gameplay”

  1. Outdoor map ideas :
    Large –
    Amusement park (carousel randomly turn on with music and laughing clown noises, house of horrors room, love tunnel, mirror room)
    Campsite (like friday the 13th with lots of cabins)
    A Hedge maze would be terrifying

    small –
    biodome/greenhouse garden

  2. Was surprised to see my own subscription in the video lmao (Evomega), didn't think I'd have the luck. Anyways keep up the great vids man, watching them through and the prayers one had me rolling. Much love from the US.

  3. Have you ever gotten one where you walk into the house and it was freezing at the front door? or you just walked in and it started hunting? (that includes later on in the game if you had already entered that house/building)

  4. lol the bathroom rug comment sparked my curiousity so i googled netherlands/dutch bathrooms and have learned much . I recommend for anyone to read about different restrooms around the world if bored.


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