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wade needing to stop and watch a one man band walking by was the best lol
Something about those 3 dislikes sends me, the likes to dislikes ratio
Other things that send me: Gumby and pat walking past wade jamming out, wade just losing his train of thought only to get jump scared .3 seconds later
Wade: Playing the game and trying to find ghosts.
Pat and Gumby: vibes on by
1:31 what song is this
I need whatever song it was that Pat was playing.
17:14 don’t mind them they’re just having seizures
I swear 17:10 and 45:30 had me laughing tears so hard
senior prank bru, senior prank bru, i stole their remote
your genuine screams of terror is worth the commentary
Gumby really comes off as obnoxious to me. Much prefer gar, or jp.
Swear offs were a thing when siblings were fighting, it got raunchy 😂😊
17:13 where wade finds himself being haunted by much more than ghost
my brother thinks crap is a curse word
you should play little nightmares 2
Starting at 17:16 … that look of just "WTF" is amazing. The level Tom-foolery and jack-assery broke Wade for almost a solid minute.
I remember Totally Kyle and I ain't older than 20
but if u load the stream up to youtube…. what is it then?
inceptionnnnah xDD
17:10 xDDD
and thats why i am here! 🙂
what was the music playing when the two were having chaos?
Gumby doesn't know Totally Kyle? I'm 22 and I remember him. Watched the Amanda Show all the time.
Am I the only one who laughed at 17:10