Freddy and friends get Phasmophobia! January 22, 2025 by EmmettCraftGaming Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn source
Emmet you have come a long way 😎 I was with you when you had 2.4k sub's and to see you now makes me happy👏♥️♥️♥️ keep up the good work♥️♥️ Reply
true story that happend to me: i was gonna go on gmod then suddenly.. a glitch noise happend. all of my mapes dissapeard. i deleted gmod and never played it again did this happen to u? Reply
Dang it I’m not first
Scratch the other one can you please do a day in the life of ballora please
30 years since bro just dropped this video
I may be ten but I still watch you to this day
W vid
The msp name is funki house i think
Emmet you have come a long way 😎 I was with you when you had 2.4k sub's and to see you now makes me happy👏♥️♥️♥️ keep up the good work♥️♥️
Ngl your better than oofyman212, but this is awsome!
good and also i make fnaf content cause you thanks
can you make a part 2 on voodoo dolls or are you working on it
WTH is phasnophobia
“Ever makeing fart machine” is the funniest sentence I’ve ever heard in my life😂
Can U Do Part 100 pls 😊
There back again to phasmobia
true story that happend to me: i was gonna go on gmod then suddenly.. a glitch noise happend. all of my mapes dissapeard. i deleted gmod and never played it again did this happen to u?
12:29 help I can’t stop laughing
this guy has to be a kid
“2 is better than none” ah shi 😭🙏 14:31 15:23 and why does chica sound so sassy 17:13
Oh my PC that's so much good it's foxy ❤❤❤❤
Your my favourite YouTuber
You made my childhood man ❤
Can I see your face review?
drunk freddy is me