In this Phasmophobia video, I learned you can get Blood Moon weather on any map! After we reached Stage 3 of the Crimson Eye event, we earned the ability to get Blood Moon weather randomly on any map. If we complete stage 3, the random chance for Blood Moon weather will be unlocked permanently. I figured no better place to get Blood Moon than an outside map like Camp Woodwind. Played on Nightmare difficulty. Games streamed live on Twitch!
**To get the Blood Moon on the non-event maps, you will need to re-roll the map until you get it. Hopefully, they add it to custom games at some point.
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#phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiaupdate
If you see it, you're not first
Which Blood Moon map has been your favorite???
Well someone is second
( Thats me )

Flash Force, One of my favourite phasmophobia youtuber, i am glad that i subscribed to you

I wish i could get an reply from you
Hey man I was wondering how rare is it to get slender man in your game?
I've already gotten blood moon on tanglewood a few times, it looks nice
I began playing this game several days ago and I am totally hooked. I have been watching your vids and shorts like crazy too. Really hoping we complete the event so that we can keep this weather around forever
They added 2 more days to the even
to get it always I think but you gotta put it in heavy rain difficulty
I didn’t know this and ended up getting blood moon on my weekly challenge and thought it was a normal thing
Dude just watches chat entire time I guess if the ghost was a actual player they be paying attention to the game also haha
I wonder if you can wish for it with the monkey paw
I randomly got blood moon on the first beginner map (I’m new to the game, I forget what it’s called) and I freaked out thinking it was a bug.
Oh, also hello Flash! Just came across your channel a couple days ago. Love the content and all the knowledge you have on phasmo. Been using your tips to bust me some ghosties
what blood moons does
ive been getting it on custom games with a set type weather.
4:26 I didn't know the ghost could do that to the teddy bear