This ghost ruined my jeans, we were looking for ages only to be jumped IMMEDIATELY once we entered the correct room. Be sure to check the timestamps below if you want to skip the part where we look for the room using (and failing to use) the parabolic microphone. I love the no evidence challenge in Phasmophobia! See you during the streams 😀
I stream every day live at 19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST over on
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Parabolic Mic Memes: 00:00
Ghost sightings: 24:35
Be sure to check the timestamps if you want to skip over the Paramic memes (I just chose to keep it in to illustrate how useless the item is lmao)
Pretty sure the paramic only detects sounds if you're looking in the right direction right as the sound happens…
Turning towards the sound right after it happened will display nothing.
Is there a guide on all the non evidence clues to which ghost it is?
I watch your videos every morning, I enjoy them so much, but I have to walk a little to get to my bus. It's fucking terrifying. xD
I like the new edits to the video, giving the sneak peak is a really cool way to draw people in.
So, are we really not gonna talk about the 69 tripods?
Basket Balls and a trash can in a haunted school basketball court and you don't trigered it?
Omg, Michael Moore in highschool. Can't get funnier than that.
Michael Moore? Aw hell, this isn't Columbine High is it?
How many hours do you have on phasmophobia?
the parebolek mike is usfull for solo arenas that are small
Your face for the thumbnail just screams “Im having so much fun totally” 😂❤️
That's the name of my fucking physics teacher, hate that guy
This guy sounds an awful lot like pewdiepie sometimes
I does not matter how long ur videos are to me I have no life yesessssir
It felt like the Ghost was spawning Upstairs, you heard the footsteps really close as you approached the corner of the stairs and played the Ju-on noise, but no indication it was nearby, and as you passed the stairs it stopped nearly completely. Could the room have been upstairs?
The paramic is like having a portable noise sensor,you can detect ghost sounds and player sounds so when you opened and closed a light it showed 2 cause of that,also its range is a bit funky like a noise detector
Heart attack O😱
LUV DA VIDS! can we play sometime? Steam user REALsupermariotylerYOUTUBE
Hi Insym!
Thank you
That last room on the left front hallway on first floor appears to me a hot spot, I've had many ghost home room in there. For me at least, I've seen this single room used as home base more than any other single location to the point that I now check it first and start clearing each room from thereon.
insym: there we POG
Doing a solo round: goes INSANE
Doing a round with friends: Just win everything