walking backwards into a cabinet door will pop you up onto the table. in some spots you can use this to survive hunts.
while fun for the first time it kinda ruins the game. i was just messing around since we had already done everything that match.
Omg I found this out too! I love glitching doors
I'm trying right now. On farmhouse. Can't do it xD
But I get the doors to go crazy
For anyone who wonders how this works, it's really easy. This is my assumption, as you close the door, push against the force you're going against. This causes the game to force shut the doors, pushing you and the door back. I've tried this glitch on entrance/exit doors, and updates before the Halloween one. Doing this gives you a small gap that you can escape through, but now it seems patched unless I'm doing it wrong.
Photos didnt count so pointless
Man if this was a banshee and it only tried to kill one this would be amazing
They patched it now 🙁 I used to get on the table all the time