Today my brain gets rattled
Phasmophobia playlist:
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Interestingly, the glowstick is a bit better than the upgrade after it. The distance it shines may be shorter, but the range it has an effect on is very wide, making it easy to solo a picture of the UV (old name 'fingerprints') evidence. Definitely recommend salt usage, as that can reveal potential footprints, or deny UV as a clue altogether. The update may not have changed all that much, but it seems like a slightly more skill-based game now, which is a pretty good way to keep players striving to improve their ghost guessing game. I've been enjoying watching various people's vods of their gameplay, so naturally I'll love seeing more of this with this crew.
I missed watching you play this!
Yooooo Captain… 6:55
What's Crumb's channel?
phasmo back and an inga thumbnail life is good
Jardon sees ball of light, says nothing
Also Jardon "how are we gonna do this without equipment"
Can we just appreciate the thumbnail art with crumb cat holding a glow stick in her mouth.
bro 17:16 Crumb sounded just like Balloon Boy
1:26:08 for the Kara clip
It can be infuriating to watch people completely mess up not knowing what to do, but also hilarious and endearing so I enjoy XD
Rifkin owes Crumb a hug and some cake or something. Don't hurt our bebe cat's feelings like that!
Kara showing up behind him and her voice still playing was

I love watching you play games other than Minecraft. Keep it up!
(I love Minecraft too but you know what I mean)
Havent seen crumb in awhile, glad to see them back
Taking Pics and rnjoying life while playing horror games is awesome and good to enjoy and have fun with but making mistakes and passing away bring sad vibes but inviting and enjoying life
Rifkin is such a prankster
Easily the funniest ones of these yet
Yall need to start marking off evidence you know it isnt to make it easier for yourself…
I've never understood pranking like this. Cruelty is not funny.
I missed this so much, please bring it back again regularly. I missed this crew!! Crumb is getting older now,
My mom would die if she had to spend 40$ on a text book. Thank god they where only 10$ when i was in school
1:07:00 This is not how you flirt, jardoon.
Had me laughing my head off! Love this group
I’m so glad this is back!!!!!! Much love for these guys playing this!!!!!!
The new update is super hard. It's a struggle for newer players. The spirit box is super broke
Crumb: "Textbooks are not $40…"
Me: cries in college student
"I showed you my caulk, please respond." 10/10
Moving in together with Kara was the best idea Jordan's ever had