I took on the photo randomizer challenge and was definitely getting trolled. You start with a camera and a flashlight. Successful photos get you more items to use.
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#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #photorandomizer
I love your vids! ❤
"If this is a demon this is a tame demon" Me and my friend had 2 very chill demons that actually turned on the lights for us even and didn't even hunt us at all 10/10 very chill demons would hang out with them again
I love all the challenges you do! I'm actually going to try and catch some of the next livestream. It's my first time using Twitch so this should be fun 😂
i love uuuuuuu
the demon handed you every possible sign on a silver plater and you mocked him by calling him tame…. you died because you were rude in the mans own home. deserved in game death lol