Ghost Hunters Try Phasmophobia (And Failed)

Sam and Colby play Phasmophobia for the first time, one of the scariest games of all time! They hunt ghosts, and investigate haunted houses. What is the most terrifying or hilarious moment from the video?!


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About: Sam and Colby react to all things haunted, spooky and paranormal on this channel. Subscribe to see what they think of scary viral videos, strange paranormal tik toks, and things they missed on their own overnights!

DO NOT Play Phasmophobia At 3AM | Sam and Colby

Sam and Colby


48 thoughts on “Ghost Hunters Try Phasmophobia (And Failed)”

  1. The trick is to not put all the lights on at the same time, and to use the thermometer to find the ghost room.
    If you think this game is intense, try out Ghost Watchers. Oh my days that game is so scary

  2. Guys, I get your angle, I really do. “Gotta produce something for the kids who fund us”…YET, what a waste of time. Being semi celebrities, which I have tried to continue energetically support, even though it is not a lifestyle that I prefer..I still have held that space and constituted on your behalf in ways you might not be aware could have taken the initiative to support the ongoing and upcoming crisis’ in the US, actively, (which would be better publicity for you both and probably make you more dinero in the long run..than) instead of supporting such a dumb video game. Whoever developed this game has shit for brains..just sayin..

  3. That was hilarious lol. I'm glad you tried this game. If you're wanting tips for what you can do better, the first thing I would look at is the journal, which you can access by pressing J. The way you can win a round is by correctly guessing what type of ghost is in the map and you can narrow down your guess in the journal by recording the types of evidence you find. You need 3 types of evidence to fully confirm what a ghost is. You get EMF if it spikes up to level 5, you get Ultraviolet if your UV light reveals fingerprints on a door, you get Ghost Writing if you place a notepad down in the ghost's room and it scribbles in it, you get freezing temperatures if the thermometer goes below 0 degrees celsius or 32 degrees farenheight, you get DOTS if the ghost warps the green lights, you get ghost orbs if a floating dot appears on the video camera, and you get spirit box if the ghost speaks while the spirit box is active. You might check the controls of the game too so you can see how to do certain interactions like placing items down with F so that they will work.


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