Welcome back to Phasmophobia where a lot has changed! The ghosts are spookier, and the ghost huntin’ is better than ever! Join us on this Halloween episode of fun… and death! This episode features my lovely family: Aza_Makes, GOAT MOM, and ShadowFang!
#phasmophobia #ghost #gaming
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Day 2 of trying to get Glitch to colab with me. Hello I cosplay William/Springtrap and am a small change and need help.
You know it's gonna be a great day, when Nightcove posts a new vide😌
The cultists attack nightcove and she gets freaked tf out:
Ah yes i love crapping with thy homies 🙂
This is the first Phasmaphobia Lets-play I've watched. I heard the game was really creepy.
Love you nightcove ❤
Keep up the amazing videos
lol I'm happy to find another stranger things fan on you tube XD also my fave creepypasta is ticci toby and E.j
Hi I love your videos
I am the 35th comment
Me and my friends made a Sundrop cult 🙂 there are 29 of us
Yeees! I remember watching you play this game. Best video ever! Markiplier would be jealous lol
Phasmaphobia!! Ah hell yeah!
Welcome back!!! I missed watching phasmophobia, and none of the other youtubes were as funny
So happy to see more Phasmaphobia!!!!
I just got back shcool with a sore throat
This makes me feel better!
it would be hilarious if Glitchtrap and Vanny played Phasmophobia
OMG YAY i love you Nightcove you make me laugh almost every time and you are my favourite YouTuber
this was a great vid i ADORE the outro!!
Imma watch this while eating some cheese and crackers and I DEFINITELY WONT CHOKE TO DEATH!
haha spooky ghost time go
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Thank you for Suffering for me
It’s been awhile since you’ve played phasmophobia and I can tell your mom (Goat Mom) plays it a lot
P h a s m o p h o b i a
Edit: I heard spooky season and got nostalgia from the “Two unstable dads in sexy Halloween costumes”
It’s so much spookier!!!
Nightcove no disrespect but you kinda look like SpongeBob lol. You be rocking it tho!
Can we get some more of you playing phasmophobia
I absolutely love the new endscreen!!!!
I love CreepyPasta
ahh yes, more serotonin from the voice of everyone's favorite murder weasel!
You know you are gonna laugh when nightmare posts a video
i just started season 3 of stranger things
yay, we got more NightCove despite the agreement being void 😀
super it's about time I played a new video about this great game ✨
I like the outro cuz the Glamrock NightCove_theFox was so cool! Also I loved the video! Can you do part2 please 🥺
When NightCove said "What kind of Vecna sh*t is this?" I could not stop laughing. And then the cult of the ghosts showed up and I laughed even harder cuz of fear.