Ghost Hunting Goes HORRIBLY WRONG !! || Phasmophobia With Friends

Phasmophobia gameplay in a haunted school, barn house and town house… what could go wrong? Me and the ghost hunting crew pick up some more Phasmophobia funny moments and we check out some more paranormal activity. Unfortunatly the Ghosts decided to be a little more active this time and it resulted in a few jump scare moments!

I love the design of the Phasmophobia haunted school and we even get a up close moment with the creature! No idea how or why it got there but none the less, hope you enjoy the gameplay as much as I did recording this episode and the phasmophobia scary moments! 🙂

The Ghost Hunting Crew:

Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.


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Game: Phasmophobia


20 thoughts on “Ghost Hunting Goes HORRIBLY WRONG !! || Phasmophobia With Friends”

  1. I love the video Nateongame I hope you because more successful just like your brother Ryan over at 8-bitryan keep up the good work I love your content looking forward to the future of this channel take care man

  2. Hey, Nath If the lights flicker the ghost is attacking so try to hide in a room/closet. but if your heart is beating then your best bet is to run for the door, because that means he is targeting you.


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