Ghost Hunting in Phasmophobia | Game Night

Game Night is finally back! And tonight Nick, KC, Jesse and JM8 are playing Phasmophobia.

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8 thoughts on “Ghost Hunting in Phasmophobia | Game Night”

  1. The problem with most Phasmophobia let's plays for me is that they don't foster a sense of horror or mystery. Just a sense of wanting to slap some of the players repeatedly.

  2. You might want to adjust your streaming software's brightness curve or whatever if you plan on streaming more dark games like this. There were times it was just solid black in the video but you seemed to be able to see well enough to get around anyway. And the ghost in the lighthouse that made you scream, I can't see at all even after rewinding and freeze framing. YouTube used to be notorious for making videos darker than the source; I don't know if that's still going on or what.


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