GHOST HUNTING with Typical Gamer + Avxry! (SO SCARY)

Hunting for GHOSTS in Phasmophobia! Be sure to like and subscribe so you never miss a stream!


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35 thoughts on “GHOST HUNTING with Typical Gamer + Avxry! (SO SCARY)”

  1. You have to push the broadcast button when using the Ouija board. Also there's so many other things you guys don't realize you're messing up you need to use the broadcast button also when talking in the houses because it activates the walkie-talkie therefore people won't sound so loud but people have to actually use the walkie-talkie also the glow stick helps you find fingerprints as well as using the UV light but the UV light is better certain tools are just better versions of a previous tool like an upgrade also if you turn on Too Many Lights it will trip the breaker and shut the power off therefore it's not necessarily the ghost doing it but you yourself doing it this game may look cheesy and not the best graphics but the technique and gameplay is actually pretty in-depth and unique there's all kinds of little tips and tricks that you don't realize her actually there because the game is in Early Access and there's not a tutorial yet

  2. Everybody needs to add all their items it's not just for them to use but anybody else to use as well. Also you don't lose items unless you die and it's only the items you put into the mission but all the items need to be added from each player doesn't matter if there's extra they will all return after the mission

  3. Anybody can use the Ouija board alone you just look at it and have to turn the Ouija board on and then ask questions you don't need more than one person you can play this game by yourself think about that therefore you only need one person to do most things it's multiplayer to allow more players but you can legit play it by yourself do you just have to look at it and make sure you activate the Ouija board just like the Spirit Box you have to make sure the Spirit Box is on and hit the broadcast button and ask questions if you do it right it should say no response

  4. I was so scared when she didi this

    Samara: Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth Anderson

    Lights turned off*

    Me: Oh my freaking butt is a ghost?????? Ahhhhhhhhh My mom turns off the lights

    Me: ahhhhhhhhhh Samara help me in being haunted irl

    And I had a heart rate monitor it went up like 130 I thought it was exploding!!


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