Ghost Hunting with Yukijins for the first time │ Phasmophobia funny moments │Phasmaphobia Gameplay

#lifeasmiyuki #yukigaming #phasmophobia

Ghost hunting with Yukijins for the first time 😂😂😂
I’ve never laughed this hard in a horror game and it was so much fun!
I hope you enjoy this phasmaphobia funny moments gameplay~

This is just a phasmaphobia gameplay and if you want to suggest any other games let me know in the comment section as well ♪ I hope one day we can play it with VR. I think that would be so much fun as well hahaha!

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♪Coffin Dance – Hyuman


26 thoughts on “Ghost Hunting with Yukijins for the first time │ Phasmophobia funny moments │Phasmaphobia Gameplay”

  1. Either you got some bad advice, or your fellow ghost hunters were trying to get you killed. 😛

    Saying the ghost's name out loud, especially while in the ghost's room, will make it more active and perhaps even angry. When communicating with the ghost using the spirit box, don't say the ghost's name unless you are deliberately trying to agitate it. You can ask simple questions without saying the name – questions like "Where are you?" and "How old are you?" are good ones to try and get a response. If you say the ghost's name with every question, not only is it unnecessary, but you are making the ghost more and more agitated every time you repeat the question, which unnecessarily increases the likelihood of an early hunt starting with you as the target.

    The crucifix needs to be on the ground before the hunt starts. The way it works is if it's within 3 meters of the ghost (or 5 meters for the Banshee) when the hunt starts, it will cancel the hunt. However, it can only do this twice before being used up, so don't get too comfortable with it on the ground. The crucifix doesn't do anything while in your hand, and it doesn't stop a hunt that has already started. The same thing can be said for the smudge sticks – lighting them in the ghost room or within close proximity to the ghost will cause it to be less active for a time (and causes the Yurei to stop wandering for 90-ish seconds), but they do nothing if the hunt has already begun (with the exception of the Wraith, as lighting smudge sticks can cause it to very briefly lose interest in you and wander for a few seconds before resuming the hunt). You can also reduce the likelihood of a hunt starting if you turn on the lights in the ghost room (especially for the Mare, who gets much more active if the hunters are standing in darkness), although keep in mind that the ghost can always just turn them off again. 🙂

    There is nothing that can stop a hunt while it is happening, so if the outside doors lock (you can hear this if you're listening closely) or if your flashlight starts flickering, _HIDE_. Find an empty room and close the door behind you (even the ghost room can be safe if the ghost is outside the room when the hunt starts), then huddle in the middle of the room until the hunt ends. Don't stand next to a wall as there is a glitch where the ghost can sometimes get you through walls if you are standing right next to them. However, if the ghost is a wraith, it can see and walk through closed doors, so hide behind a wall (but not standing next to it) or something else that can block its line of sight.

    You can also hide in lockers or closets during a hunt. As a last resort, you can just keep running and the ghost won't catch you as long as you run around obstacles and don't trap yourself in a dead-end, with the exception of Revenants (which are always faster than you) and Jinns (which get faster the closer they are to you with the point of no return being about 3 meters). It's also important to not make any sound during a hunt as the ghost can hear your microphone. (Contrary to popular belief, the ghost's vision is not affected by darkness, so turning off your flashlight does nothing other than make you lose sanity faster.)

    Speaking of sanity, your sanity directly contributes to how active the ghost is, and being at 0% will all but guarantee that virtually every other ghost event will be a hunt. You slowly and continuously lose sanity over the course of the map, but you lose it much faster while standing in darkness. Turn the lights on when you walk into a room or a hallway, but remember to turn them off behind you as well as the breaker will trip if too many lights are on in the house, leaving you unable to turn the lights on until you go and turn the breaker switch back on. Other things can cause sanity to drain as well, like using the ouija board or witnessing a ghost event. The Yurei also has a passive ability that causes your sanity to drop faster on its own. The only way to regain sanity is by taking sanity pills which replenish 40% of your sanity. You can only bring 4 sanity pills with you into a mission, though, so you will need to be a bit strategic with how you use them.

    And finally, one more bit of advice is to get more photo cameras and take pictures of everything. Bones and dirty sinks, sure, not to mention the ghost itself. But also any bit of evidence, from fingerprints to writing in the ghost book. There are also map-spawn things you can take pictures of, like the voodoo doll, bloody knives, or an active ouija board. You can also take a picture of anything the ghost interacted with for a short time. Everything you take a picture of means more money at the end of the run, so don't be afraid to snap away. (The one caveat to this is that each camera can only take 5 pictures, so be sure you save some space for any bonus objectives that need you to take a picture of something specific.)

  2. The grudge(kayako) was a adult and cute so if you are miyuki grudge then I'd say your description of the ghost was fairly accurate.
    I laughed so hard when you got trapped in the room, screaming at Linda Brown.

  3. You can reduce the game quality so it won’t lag (where is my other comment tho? Couldn’t find it) I said this is so good we should do this again on my other comment 😁


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