Ghost of "Shy"shima in Phasmophobia

He says it’s not cold when in fact the ghost is living in there lololol
So make sure you Subscribe otherwise your room will be cold too.
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44 thoughts on “Ghost of "Shy"shima in Phasmophobia”

  1. If someone doesn't have anything to do it's a great idea to have them watching sensors and activity level. Most just glue their faces to a camera or stare through Windows. If it's for content that's fine of course, but, you know, helps to know when the hunt is about to happen.

  2. Closing doors is more polite than practical. You want to be able to quickly duck into a room and break line of sight during a hunt to be safe. Lockers aren't the only way to protect yourself. You can even duck into a doorless room just as long as you're able to break LOS, hide behind something, remain quiet, and keep your lights off.

  3. Tip: when ghots attacks if flashlight blinks its means hes going to attack sucking the energy batter of the light to attak and turn the memotor off soo the ghost dont see it crouch and wait a minute until hes gone and run away 👍👌

    Edit: if my spelling is wrong sorry lmao😂😖
    Edit again: ooo and ahh ic the lights of the house off and attacks do not do that yet in light rooms

  4. I stumbled upon this channel while watching people suffer and scream playing Phasmophobia. I found this channel while it was at 399 subs. I came back a few days later and you were at 1k. It seems the YouTube algorithm has chosen you. I hope you're able to keep the algorithm with you and grow more. You're currently at 4k. Congrats. Looking forward to other content as well. (Just an FYI, as I've seen from other youtubers, try to avoid playing the same game so much in a row, as it'll be harder to get your audience into any other game you play). Good luck and I'll be watching 🙂

  5. Thermometer is your best friend early in the mission. You could find the room just with it and a flashlight. Most houses have a room bellow 10C, thats where the ghost is. Probably a good tactic to just run in with thermometers and EMF readers for each person, and spread


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