A new Phasmophobia Patch hit the BETA today (14/01/2021) and here are the patch notes and some quick tests.
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The thermometer change is a better change I guess, it forces you to stay in a room or area longer to properly scan the temperature. Would be better for spookiness since right now I just take one or two steps in to a room, quick scan for temperature and leave if it's not below 12-13 C. Feels more like a speedrun
I love the All button they added, although I do wish they could add an All button that added everything at once.
I would love to see a bigger variety of "spooky events", such as: bloodied walls, paintings that get distorted, lower sanity blur vision, more verbal ghost events, fog or steam depending on ghost temp, effects in mirrors,…
All in all, I'm still having fun with this game and am checking daily for updates.
I have had some hunts that only lasted 5 seconds, but that was also before I moved into the beta too.
New thermo update is bullshit
You should feel proud that the dev watches your videos! Whenever you make a video and mention he's quick to fix it.
Really nice changes over all but I hope for more variety, while ramping up the deadliness of ghost is very nice, but I feel certian ghost shouldn't always be so murder hungry. Like Spirits can be more friendly to even mischievous preferring to scare you than out right kill you. Also for larger maps maybe multiple ghosts can haunt a location, and ghosts can haunt the van camera on multi possibly sanity drain or outright kill. I am also curious about the underground death room area that the ghost sometimes takes you when you die.
Poor thermometer T.T
O and one more thing:
Psycho Great video, teah im new on ur channel and u doing very good work, I love potato too xD
I like all the changes! Especially the removed dirty water. It really was not necessary to keep it.
Played a game with my bf last night and the hunts are clearly better and way more terrifying, we were stalked by a ghost I never deemed that dangerous and the doors…it was horrible how it oppened every door in its way towards the lockers in the basement (Ridgeview), the hunt ended everytime it got close to opening my door…
These patch notes be making me do that 'feels good' meme. I am looking forward to these updates in the main game.
Your Istagram
The dirty water objective being removed is actually great, since its pure RNG nature was actually cancer.
The ghost room was inside a bathroom on Tanglewood, the one right at the entry, and we talked with them all the frickin time.
Only after the 2nd crucifix went missing we decided to just call it a night.
So happy the dirty water objective is gone, bane of my existence
will I ever die if I keep the door shut??
I hope they remove the Crusifix objective. it's annoying when the ghost is on larger room
I am always for more difficuty, glad the thermo got toned down!
I found a safespot, use the shoes box in the tangle wood boys room (with the computer you can click). Climb onto the bed and into the corner xD it just walks into you.
"removed dirty water objective" wooooooo yeahhhh babyy thats what im talking about thats what i've been waiting for wooooo
I still want to see a second game mode where we go in behind the first visit as the ghost removal team. Populate it based on actual finished identify missions, and let difficulty change based on how much evidence was discovered in the first phase.
Hi can you check the wraight if they do go through walls now? I had several times with friends dies near d wall. Or we didnt see that thr ghost enters to d room we are hiding and yet they die.
Glad the dev came to his senses and lowered the 5 seconds to 3, 5 seconds was way too long for a temp update.
finally a reason to use the parabolic
Some nice useful and cool stuff! Epic!
No one ever wanted poo water as an objective.. Good to have even BETTER AI
would it be possible for you to make a video on evidence and how much money you can get for photos? for instance if the ghost leaves behind 2 hand prints and a fingerprint in one game.. do i get money for taking pictures of all 3 or does it only count for 1? same thing for the ghost writing.. should I try to get pictures of both journals with writing or do you only get money for the first. do I get more money for more interactions I catch photos of.. such as objects being thrown, doors being opened, ringing phones? can you take multiple of the same interaction photos and receive more money or do you only get money for the first of that specific type of interaction?.. this would be great to know and I have thought of taking the time to test myself. Tried googling and couldnt find any good answers to this
What other games do you like to play, or is your obsession just with Phasmophobia at the moment?
I've clocked up 163 hours on Phasmo myself, i love your videos btw, they are keeping me alive (in game), i've only died twice so far, level 540, 55k cash.
Professional is to safe IMO, on professional every ghost should be able to hunt from 20% higher sanity values then they do now.
The dirty water change is great. Keeps its value so its not just removed, but means u don't get stuck with a dead objective.
Goodbye kitchen cabinets 🥸
This is all so convenient, the thermometer nerf is also pretty nice since now it actually takes time to find the ghost room which increases the tension since your sanity will drop a considerable amount without you noticing
I love how active the phazmo devs are right now
I think it would be cool if smudging a room made it impossible for the ghost to open doors in the room for a small amount of time. So it’s still viable to hide in small rooms like the bathroom in places with no lockers or closets like the farmhouse.
I actually really like the Thermo update, I think I'll try to use the Parabolic Mic a bit more in te future now.
Hi, can you re test smudge test behavior during hunts? I think it kind of broke with the latest hunting AI update.
Fixing the harmless counter glitch was definitely more important than adding the most basic functions(access options without leaving a lobby/game, ability to kick trolls and afks ingame, ect…) or working on providing new ghosts / maps / equipment / features, yeah…
Fking dev made millions on steam, yet doesn't want to hire any devs rofl
Gotta keep the money flowing as long as possible i guess.
nasty, .jpg
I find it funny that people are going "yes no more dirty water objective" but they seem to be forgetting that as of right now this is only for the Beta branch meaning if they were to play the live version of Phasmo they will still be seeing the dirty water objective!
Commence the Chainsmoker's summer hit 🙂
Have you looked into the role the white noise plays in the game and if there's hidden sounds/music within it and what they might mean? I'm pretty sure there's a hidden music track that plays when near an active ghost…
I love the fact that they focus a lot on making ghost hunt more dangerous. This game felt too easy once you learned most of the mechanism.
You remind me of BSOD Gaming
rather have a button.
max all items.
max remove all items.
incase my friends go: dude remove your items. we got it covered. or me max click with a single click.
Love the new Patch from like an hour Ago (16.01.):
1. All rooms will now start with slightly different temperatures.
2. If the power is off, the temperature in every room will now slowly drop to 5C/41F.
3. If the power is on, the temperature in every room will slowly raise unless the ghost is in the room where it will still drop.
4. Professional Difficulty: Due to the power starting off, the room temperatures will start at 5C/41F.
5. The Thermometer refresh rate has been lowered to 2 seconds.
So on profi you first have to turn on the braker and wait till the hous has heated up to use the thermometer correctly!
Beginning to think the dev(s) watches your videos because within a day or two of you posting a video about 11 new spots, they got patched. Definitely glad to see active fixes to the game.
I'm so glad dirty water is gone!!!
Nerfing the thermo just sucks. I mean seaeching in the Asylum could be really time consuming even with the thermo.