Ghosts Like This Make Phasmophobia THE BEST GAME

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find an amazing ghost! Ghosts like this is why I cannot get enough of Phasmophobia! I love this game! I hope you enjoy. Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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Intro art by:
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1


41 thoughts on “Ghosts Like This Make Phasmophobia THE BEST GAME”

    I love just watching every new video and following along this journey of you becoming a better YouTuber with each one of your uploads hah <3

  2. Every ghost type has the potential to be memorable, what would the most likely reason for their distinctions be? Let's find out.

    Spirit: The purest ghost in the game can leave many hunters scratching their heads, all while he proves to us that ghosts do indeed exist.
    Wraith: A genuine surprise waiting to happen whenever he decides to appear out of thin air can create confusion, adding spice to games.
    Poltergeist: Everybody loves a good explosion of a mess of items, it happens so uncommonly that it is a privilege to even witness him do one.
    Phantom: The highest and lowest of his being can create laughter at his failure to be scary or sheer terror with his perfection of phobias.
    Banshee: The most unsettling tunes and bloodcurdling shriek she can produce ring in our ears clear as day along with her clingy demeanor.
    Jinn: It is difficult to know his true intentions, but one can assume he is trying to protect his sacred ground, chasing and warding us away.

    Mare: The simplest form of fear emanates from his cloak of shadow. Never a dull moment when you have him: he's balanced as all should be.
    Revenant: From day one, he had immortalized himself in our minds as unstoppable. To this day, he will still make your heart tremble at his name.
    Shade: There will always be something or someone more terrified than you, and his aching heart cannot handle the torment. Do you blame him?
    Demon: Her fiery passion for carnage is endless. However, even she can be a study of contrasts. She is deadly, but to others like me, not at all.
    Yurei: This misaligned specter was at first controversial then later mocked for his weakened ability. Will we ever give him the respect he deserves?
    Oni: Her excited smile whenever someone comes to visit her is worth the momentary terror. Experiences with her always keep the action high.

    Yokai: Mocking her for her migraines causing her loss of concentration is not wise, else she will attack out of nowhere, leaving a reminder on us.
    Hantu: The chill running down your spine after hearing him full speed on a frozen campsite outweighs the laughter when he is hot and exhausted.
    Myling: The ghost boy that tries to be friends by trying to speak with you may also be a scary encounter: Silence Incarnate. Pray he does not find you.
    Goryo: Often relatable, his reluctance to leave his room and almost ashamed to reveal his dots is the biggest mood changer among hunters.
    Onryo: Attitude to a T describes him. Even his "cure" in candles for his anger can result in an outrage. The caution needed for him brings more focus.
    Twins: The small brother and sister cause mischief wherever they go, bewildering yet teaching us more about certain spooks than ever before.

    Raiju: Seeing or hearing this noble offspring of a Jinn and Demon bolt down a hallway is very shocking indeed, often resulting in tragedy if unlucky.
    Obake: His wishes for plunder are for nigh when one can simply see if he left his handprints or not, he leaves a distinct trail of his past misdeeds.
    Mimic: Infinite possibilities await those who dare face the enigma. If it is possible for a ghost to wield the entire spirit realm, we are doomed.
    Moroi: Lethality is all one will find when if attempt to make a deal with a behemoth. His dead eye will pierce you with his curse, causing you to rush.
    Deogen: Desperation clouds her mind as she mindlessly crawls after you, begging for vitality. However, one blunt mistake will cost you your life.
    Thaye: Time is cruel. Helpless against the sands sits a poor woman faced with a half-life even in death. Seeing her demise tugs at the heartstrings.

    From the simplest Spirit to the shyest Shade to the strongest Oni to the deadliest Moroi, every ghost can leave an impression.

  3. It is so weird everytime I watch from Twitch and I hear the outro but just…keep watching. The outro happens which signals my brain that the content is over, but there is more content anyway.

  4. Ghost idea:

    The Reaper

    "This ghost has come to collect the souls of the living. Meticulous, it has a list. If you are on it, you will not escape without a desperate fight."

    Chance of instant hunt when first entering the house Extremely High.

    Special audio with para mic: the sound of metal scraping along the ground (scythe)

    New ghost model of traditional cloaked skeleton with scythe

    Like the DeOgen you cannot hide from it and it follows at a slightly more steady pace. Unlike DeOgen it Has The Chance to hunt much more often than the demon. Will target one person like the Banshee until they are dead and then all activity will immediately drop to Shade levels. Ghost room will often change to reflect where target is. Red light events much more frequent. Ghost ball much more frequent.

    Crucifix will not stop its hunts.

    Spirit box
    Freezing temperatures
    Fingerprints (extremely rarely a bonus print will show up as a skeletal full palm print)

    Ouija board: when asking how old this ghost is the numbers will simply hit 99999 repeatedly until goodbye or another Question is asked.

  5. An Anti-Mare would be cool. Likes to turn on lights and gets aggresive or faster in lightend rooms. Also never turns off the breaker and has the hidden ability to turn lights back on if get turned off 😀
    Edit: Ok, i got to the end now xD

  6. No photo-cam challenge >:) MUST… RESIST!

    Edit: I finally got why I love watching Insym. No obnoxious for sub/dono sounds nor animation in the middle of the screen <3

    Edit 2: Unfortunately, I dislike streams overall. My pilgrimage has been… 5 streams? And I've followed for a LONG while, since about first "All maps solo professional". Better thank Venttex for the sub. Loved his videos since they were solo phas, then you played with him once and I've been stuck since. Just the energy 😀

    Love vids though 🙂

  7. I’m so hyped for the new asylum! Mostly because there’ll be a lot of videos from you.
    Sadly I can’t watch you live that often, but when I do it does make my afternoon so much better. But even when I’m watching your livestreams on Twitch, I’ll always rewatch the Content on YouTube. I really enjoy watching your videos, thank you so much!

  8. Ghosts I’d like to see are,
    A ghost (as you say) that likes light over darkness and is stronger in the light.
    A ghost that has a small chance to leave a face in the smoke of an extinguished candle.
    A ghost that loves water and will turn on taps and showers more often.
    A ghost that changes speed based on the average sanity starting with an even or odd number.

    I’d also like to see a new evidence added to widen the variety, though I honestly don’t know what.
    Maybe reflections? A hand mirror that can show the ghost in it. Similar to the spirit box but with images. Maybe too similar though, but very creepy! It could lunge at you from the mirror and give a little jump scare.

  9. Has The Maple Lodge Campsite got an opposite curse which made the Goryo Roam from ghost room to ghost room and the Hantu love lights and warmth instead of hating them and getting cold lol.

  10. Is there some glitch in Phasmo causing same ghost to spawn in a row? For some time now me and my friends are getting same ghosts twice in a row A LOT.
    Our last ~20 games were: 2x Demon, 2x Yurei, 2x Raijuu, 2x Mare, 2x Jinns and then some 1-timers, including another Demon, Yurei and Raijuu with only 1 game in between their "pair" (like Demon-Demon-RANDOM-Demon).

    I see Insym also is getting them a bit more recently, but I watch only Youtube, redacted and edited content, so I ask the wonderful people of Twitch, who see his streams as they go 😀

  11. I think maybe why it was all over the place was because it roamed to areas near the ghost room in any directoion including behind it. Which might explain why it was doing stuff in the central path because it was heading towards the area behind the white tent. Im not 100% sure if that is the case anymore, they might of changed it. but I remember something simular would happen on edgefield. Or maybe it did just change ghost room afterall

  12. I really hope for some changes/additions coming with custom difficulty, although I know it's unlikely. I guess I'll have to settle for them releasing the update before Halloween.

  13. mixing the opposite of mare and goryo might be cool, with the ghost always having writing and maybe even only showing the writing on a camera, and being a very roamy ghost that tries to turn on lights everywhere


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