Going Back Inside The House was a HUGE Mistake in Phasmophobia! Today Dark OB aka @BeautifulOB and @Camodo2nd search for ghosts in a haunted house. Can Beautiful OB manage to guide them through the house and find the ghost before its too late in Phasmophobia gameplay?
About Phasmophobia
Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost-hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.
Want More Beautiful OB
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This is Beautiful OB’s second channel, Dark OB. If you enjoy these videos, make sure to drop a like and subscribe! If you’d like even more videos, make sure to check out my main channel, Beautiful OB! Thanks for watching!
#beautifulob #darkob #phasmophobia
Hi ob
im 19th comment? lol
Keep up the good work ❤
Hi OB I love your vids sooo much
I love phasbaphobia keep it up ob❤❤
Wassup OB! I’m at school right now watching your video. But if I get In trouble at least it’s for good reasons 💀
Ob do you know who tele-gram Ob is
Hi OB remember nme from ur live stay positive and keep up these vids for us Obaby's
Thanks for getting me into this game OB I love playing it and I love watching you play it.
Ob this was a amazing video and have a good day
Your the best YouTube funny and cool person I hope I can as good as you one day as a YouTuber and I hope you keep it up because you are doing amazing at being a YouTuber one of the best parts of my day is being able to watch your videos ❤❤
Love ur video as always man, dont stop making people smile like yall always do! I also wouldve loved Spy pop out of the open door and be the reason that would be both hilarious and awesome!
Hantu will be very fast the colder the room is, so, if your in the ghost room, it will be very fast, if your in anothjer room, it wont be fast unless you stay in that room for a extended period of time. Hantus will never speed up during a hunt.
Banshees will only target 1 person, which means if your not the target, you can go hug the ghost. Banshees have a chance to scream in the paramic, and will be more likely to do a singing ghost event than any other ghost event.
The thing you just unlocked is basically a smudge stick. If you have a lughter/matches, you can light it and the ghost cant hunt for I believe 120 seconds, but, if you use it on the ghost during a hunt, then the ghost gets distracted and wont chase you for I think 7 seconds. (might vary based on the level, havnt played the new update yet)
Hey dark ob i love Phasmaphobia keep making amzing content could you also mention about my tier 2 cat butt thermometer in next phasmaphbia please it would make me smile:D
OB love the Phasmo videos! Some doors do start open on high difficulties. Also, the front door does not need to be closer to check for temps.
O.B you probaly don’t remember but I’m the guy who said he was too broke for phasmahobia but guess what I GOT ENOUGH MONEY!!!!
OB play Manhunt if you liked since you liked Evil Within I highly recommend play Manhunt but find the censored version to not get cancelled.
I can't wait to see more.
OB you can check the objectives in your book under over view also more light you turn on the more likly ti blow the breaker just some tips i have of you
Hey that is the name of my Gigi! Michele Payne though 🎉😂
Keep up the good work
Put this crap on your first channel I thought this was dark ob with longer videos and less of the kid stuff
You should get smudge sticks bc if you have it in ur hand and the ghost gets to you it stuns it and u can escape.
Hey Ob could you do the asylum map with camodo?
In the first investigation I was literally saying Hantu because of how fast the temps dropped. I’m kind of a phasmo nerd lol😂
And if you didn’t know obakes can leave 6 finger fingerprints
To not die hide in lockers and closets and like boxes and stuff like that in a coroner
I love phasmophobia and you're doing such an amazing job!! Keep it up!!
Hi ob i love this phasmophobia
Ob please do a qna it's been like forever since you did one
I said this once not trying to bug you but the crucifix has a rang and each level of crusifix goes up a meter in rang
Love the new head cameras thats some funky ghost hunting tech right there!
You can hide in the lockers in the basement if they are empty