The Phasmophobia Gotta Go Fast Weekly Challenge is the first weekly ever that is now being repeated but with completely new items for the Ascension update! It is super wild!
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Do you struggle doing this with tier 1 items?
I think I will pass this one 😂
With tier 1 item and broken fuse box, this challenge became hard T_T
Can we just appreciate how hard he works to give us such amazing content ❤️📈
totally struggled .. never had chance to get any real evidence … was more like a no evidence run …..took us 2 hours hunting almost imediately
Absolutely hate this challenge if I am being honest.
1:21 oHh PHHHUCK
Did the devs fix the glowstick?
I opened the door into A Block and heard a Thaye barreling toward me deep in the darkness.
I hid in a hallway room then changed my pants.
The hardest part of this challenge is just finding the ghost room.. stupid prison being stupid
You realize this isn't hard, just the usual for the groups of players who does Hunt identification only right?
Go in, trigger the hunt, examine the ghost, loop it, get out.
Now, it's just lacking that 12x multiplier.
I would love to hear you say 'Mr. Bohannon' sometime in a video
This video made me realize glowsticks are gonna be the new light meta on 15x Apocalypse until the T3 Firelight is unlocked.
i had an obake that had the speed of a moroi. Why would they mess with ghost speed it's stupid
Thank you psycho
i miss when phas was scary 🙁 i just grind this game while i watch others scream lololol
Dev revenge for the last game haha
Now I'm going to stay in the truck all the time, picking the same ghost, and of course it will come, so I'll finish the mission. 😎😂
I actually enjoyed this challenge even though every time I got to the ghost room, the ghost hunted hahaha. Got slaughtered the first few runs and then got an obake fingies. Got killed but I saw hantu breath. And then the last one was a Banshee because it kept hunting close to me and not so close to its ghost room. It was tricky but it was a lot of fun.
my 1st ghost hantu (saw the breath before i died)
2nd revenant (barely survived)
3rd dead
4th deogen
the hardest thing is to find the ghost room im using sound sensor
the teir 2 uv is fked fr
Omg so the first one was a myling and i could not find it.. second one was a revenant who spawned on top of me after i walked 3 steps in the prison😂😅
Ill pass this week. I enjoy the challenges, but this is out of my play experience and knowledge.
is there any ghost with a higher spawn rate right now or are they all the same?
I remember the first time we did this weekly the first time round, I was so scared I was truck dweller but while I was a truck dweller I was able to figured out Phantom just by watching CCTV, figured out Twins by the Twinsections on EMF chart, also Poltergeist with the big spike up that is not hunt or event LOL. I will try go inside this time, but feel useless due to not hearing the hunt speed and where it hunts from. I will see what I decided to do when I'm home from vacation! 😀
And your last ghost tho LOL, can't believe it did its ability 3 times in 1 and half min! GGs Psycho, POG.
Words can not describe how much I despise large maps in this game.